Die riesigen Tattoos der japanischen Mafia haben

yakuza tattoo symbol

yakuza tattoo symbol - win

Excluding Yakuza 6, who do you think besides Kiryu had the most unique tattoo in terms of appearance and how it symbolized that character?

submitted by beezydee to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Keiji Shibusawa: A Great villain With a Lack Of Character.

Just letting you all know that this is gonna be a pretty long post, we're looking at just about all of Shibusawa's role in 0. There's also gonna be spoilers for Yakuza 1 and 2's main antagonists. With that out of the way, let's get things going.
From my experience viewing the community, Shibusawa is easily the least popular of the three lieutenants in Yakuza 0. And that doesn't exactly surprise me, but at the same time it sorta does. The final bosses in these games are supposed to be the most memorable, most badass, one of your favorite characters. But if I asked you to name the first Yakuza 0 villain that comes to your head, Shibusawa isn't gonna be it. Even among the lieutenants, he falls short. Kuze is the gold standard when it comes to rival characters in gaming, not just Yakuza. 5 fights with him, each of them shows just how much you/Kiryu are growing in experience, and by the end most end up respecting him. Awano is pretty intimidating throughout, and especially has a great showdown with Majima, so much so that he sacrifices himself for him. Plus, dudes got meme potential. But Shibusawa hides in the sidelines for 90% of the game, barely in the story until Kiryu and Oda get Makoto to Kamurocho. But how much of that is intentional? As usual with these character study's, lets look at Shibusawa's actions in the story first.
His first appearance, like the other lieutenants, is in Dojima Family HQ. And already there's a lot to think about. Whereas Kuze and especially Awano are deadset on the idea that Kiryu killed the man in the empty lot, Shibusawa is much more subdued. He doesn't actively defend Kiryu, but he doesn't really accuse him either. He genuinely seems to believe that Kiryu was set up. As he leaves the building, he even puts his hand on Kiryu's shoulder, possibly as a way of comforting him. Especially with how the later scenes paint him, this scene is interesting to think about. We'll come back to it later.
His shows up when Dojima expels Kiryu, but doesn't really have a speaking role, only reinforcing that Kuze made Kiryu a civilian. Shibusawa doesn't really care about the other lieutenants, as we'll see later. He's also in the scene where Awano tells Kuze to take care of Kiryu (before Kuze's 2nd fight), but again doesn't do anything of note. And he's there during Kuze's 3rd fight, but does nothing. You noticing a pattern? This right here is the main problem with Shibusawa, but it's also his greatest strength. He's lurking in the shadows of the scenes he's in, waiting for the right moment, HIS moment, to take center stage. But that also means he's not a character until the last 10% of the game. It's all leading to the main themes of the 3 lieutenants, but that means that he can't have time to spend talking to Kiryu, or really anybody.
Chapter 13 is where Shibusawa really comes into play, as we see him and his crew hunt down Kiryu/Makoto. Additionally, he had Oda as a mole, seemingly giving him information, though clearly not everything. It's in these last few chapters where we see Shibusawa's true nature. After shooting Oda for not giving Makoto's location, and after Makoto ran off from both Kiryu and Majima, he makes it a point to give Dojima Makoto, presumably so he can establish himself as the best of the lieutenants, to earn the captains position, as well as leaving with everyone via chopper after Lao Gui shoots Makoto.
His next scene is where we learn quite a bit about Shibusawa's motivations. When Awano suggests to wait for Kazama to end up dead in prison, he scolds him pretty harshly, and reveals that only by getting rid of the entire Kazama family can Tojo rise again. This is how Shibusawa wants to get to the top. Funny how I previously talked about Jingu, whose motivations were also to rise to the top until you physically couldn't go any higher. And Nishiki as well has that very same motive, although he is much different then Jingu overall. Shibusawa's reasonings for it are somehow both more and less basic then those two, though. After that scene, we learn that Shibusawa is leading a raid on Shibaura, the ship Makoto is on. Obviously, Kiryu and Nishiki go to shut it down. During the raid we see Shibusawa intrigued with Kiryu. Almost like he's ready to fight him. Turns out he is, but we're getting ahead of ourselves. Kiryu eventually makes it past everything on the ship, and confronts Shibusawa. Shibusawa seems to have only brought Makoto where he is to lure Kiryu in. He wants Kiryu to be the first kill. We'll skip a lot of Shibusawa's motivations for now, and just say that at it's most basic level, Shibusawa wants to kill Kiryu so that Kazama's heir dies, as he wants to surpass Kazama. Of course, Kiryu beats Shibusawa, who then encourages Kiryu to finish him off for good. Kiryu almost does, but Nishiki comes at the last second to talk him out of it. And Shibusawa is sent to prison. Not dead, but certainly won't come back.
So why did I skip a lot at the end there? Mostly to discuss Shibusawa and some of the 3 lieutenants here. We'll start with the lieutenants. Kuze, Awano, and Shibusawa represent the different kind of Yakuza in this series overall. Kuze represents the Yakuza of old, mainly in the clan for the simple reason of beating others up, and showing themselves as tough bastards. Shimano, plenty of villains in 1, and lots of people in the series show this attitude. Awano represents the Yakuza of the present, too deep in to it to quit, but it's clear they've lost their touch to how they were so many years ago. It's most likely that Awano wants out, which is why he's the only one of the lieutenants to die. Reinforces that once you're in the Yakuza, there's no getting out in one piece. Shibusawa represents Yakuza of the future, who don't just want to thrive, but want to rise to the top, want to make a name for themselves. Nishiki and to a lesser extent Ryuji follow this as well. Shibusawa gets the closest to achieving his goals compared to the other two most likely for this reason; It's how antagonists from future games operate as well.
What Shibusawa wants is simple. A legacy. A title to have. It's not just about rising to the top. Shibusawa tells of his father, who was a politician that rose pretty high in the business, but his boss got all of his credit. Eventually his father had to take the fall for his bosses corrupt deals, and it drove him to suicide. It's possible he thinks history will repeat itself with Dojima and him. So he wants insurance. Talent alone isn't enough for him. Shibusawa clearly shows a lot of respect for Kazama. He considers him a legend. So much so that he intends to surpass him. He wants Kazama's title. That's probably his main motivation for wanting to more or less eradicate the Kazama family. By doing that, he can become the true "Dragon of Dojima". With his title, Shibusawa will finally have a legacy, will be remembered as a legend. Kiryu rightfully says to him that Kazama is more then just his title and legend, but Shibusawa brings up some valid points about how Kazama isn't the perfect paragon (his own words) Kiryu thinks, how he arguably caused the events of Yakuza 0. Kazama in general has a lot to his character to talk about, but this isn't about him. Anyway, Shibusawa's first step in surpassing Kazama is to kill his heir, that being Kiryu. There's also the matter of Shibusawa's tattoo. The dragon tattoo. Tattoo's in this series are symbolic to the person who has them. Obviously, Shibusawa's tattoo is the same as Kiryu's. The dragon itself is a legend, and in some Japanese culture dragons are often respected and put on the same pedestal as gods. Shibusawa is not seen as such, but it's important to note that he eventually thinks he will. That's why he got the tattoo in the first place. That's also why Kiryu's tattoo isn't filled in yet. He hasn't reached that status yet, but he's on the path to achieving it.
So why does Shibusawa tell Kiryu to kill him? He wants Kiryu to see Kazama for who he is. Kazama could only achieve the legacy he has now because of his massive body count. Shibusawa thought the same, as he attempted to write his legacy with others blood. Nishiki too, would follow this example. It's important to note about Kiryu's character that he 100% would have killed Shibusawa had Nishiki not intervened, which is interesting. And why is Shibusawa more lenient on Kiryu then the other's in the lieutenant's introduction scene? Straight up, no idea. Maybe I missed something, but I'd go so far as to say that's out of character for him, since we can assume he had this plan to surpass Kazama by doing something about Kiryu long before this.
All in all, Shibusawa works as the final boss of Yakuza 0. He fits well with the themes of 0, and it's intriguing to watch him rise from the shadows, to reveal his blood lust for the Kazama family. However, I believe the fact that he stayed silent for so long significantly hurt his character. I'm confident that if he had more scenes, he would have won fans over as a top tier main antagonist (though it can be argued Dojima is the main antagonist of 0, but you never fight him, so I tend to ignore that). I enjoyed him for what he was, but he could have been something more. Sorry again for the long post, but hope you enjoyed me overanalyzing a single Yakuza character. Have a good day/night folks.
submitted by Tyler9351 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Yakuza: Like a Dragon - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Developer: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
Publisher: SEGA
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 87 average - 94% recommended - 55 reviews

Critic Reviews

ACG - Jeremy Penter - Wait for Sale
"The turn-based combat is a welcome change however combined with some weird decisions and a somewhat bland story its not all sunshine and rainbows for this new kid on the street."
Attack of the Fanboy - Joshua Garibay - 4 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a bold shift in direction, one that succeeds more than it stumbles in the pursuit of its new design.
Bazimag - Sina Golabzade - Persian - 8.6 / 10
The transition from a top notch brawler to a JRPG feels totally seamless. The gameplay have all the good parts we expect from a JRPG translated to the language of the Yakuza series but it also has some of the bad parts like the need for grinding and some unfair boss fights. The story and new characters are presented in a way that make this new journey for the franchise very well worth taking.
COGconnected - Jaz Sagoo - 86 / 100
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is the perfect update for a flagging series. Its clever storytelling, bizarre substories, and engrossing gameplay makes this one of the strongest entries in the franchise. Mixing deep societal messages with references to popular culture, the game is both hilarious and thought-provoking. It is very clear to see that with Ichiban Kasuga, the series is in safe hands
Cerealkillerz - Nick Erlenhof - German - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza: Lika A Dragon goes a different way but follows what made the series so great. The new protagonist, the story (besides some weak points), the crazy mini games, battle animations, summons and Ichiban Kasuga offer so much fun and action. Some boring dungeons in the middle of the game and balancing issues are the only downsides you should expect. Even if you are not a fan of turn based combat or haven't touched the series yet, you should give this a shot.
Daily Mirror - Eugene Sowah - 4 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon has definitely made some drastic changes to the series but without losing its original charm. The fast pace turn base system has so much added depth while still feeling like a Yakuza game.
The graphics are the best the series has seen to date, players will fall for the ridiculous Ichiban who is a well-worked new hero to the series. Other than the lag between different sections of the games and slightly clunky animations it's really hard to fault this reimagining of the legendary series.
Destructoid - Jordan Devore - 7.5 / 10
Like a Dragon isn't my favorite Yakuza, and its fresh turn-based combat eventually grows stale, but I have a lot of love for it. If it's your first game, it'll quickly initiate you into this wild, one-of-a-kind series.
Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 5 / 5 stars
Who knows if this wild experiment will bear fruit and become its own series. Yakuza: Like a Dragon has everything it needs; an excellent crop of new characters, and even a new playground to base a series in, as we hadn't been to Yokohama previously. The future of the series would depend on how turn-based combat sells in comparison to action brawler combat, I would assume. Either way, though, Like a Dragon is a delight. It's a parody-homage to every turn-based JRPG trope you've ever known, set against brilliant character writing and the traditional urban playgrounds that have built this series into something beloved. I hope the development team is rewarded for the inherent risk that they took with this undertaking.
Eurogamer - Malindy Hetfeld - No Recommendation / Blank
Like A Dragon pulls off an impressive JRPG makeover while simultaneously taking on all the flaws of the genre.
Everyeye.it - Giuseppe Carrabba - Italian - 8.5 / 10
Like a Dragon is the story of a carp that turns into a dragon, of a gang of scapegoats who decide to defy the established order and come to the head of a desperate situation. Ichiban Kasuga is an individual far from dojima's stoic and serious Dragon but has an equally kind soul and crackling personality, which makes him - along with his strange clique - the symbol of Yakuza's rebirth. A rebirth that passes through a fun and enjoyable but also improveable role-making formula. With this seventh chapter, in other words, the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has shown us the potential of what would seem to be his idea for the future of the series, which with the advent of next-gen consoles could give us great surprises.
GAMEtainment - Dennis Röger - German - 8.7 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon has made the leap into the RPG genre with flying colors. The story is kept exciting and you can't stop following Ichiban's vendetta.
The abundance of side tasks can be a bit overwhelming for the player at the beginning. But once you have played the game for a few hours, you know the most important points in the city. Time passes very quickly when playing darts or karting. By no means you need to believe that these actions are a waste of time. You get personality points which finally strengthen the fighting actions.
The fights bring a breath of fresh air to the row and put a smile on the players' faces. Through the different creative classes you attack the opponents with pigeons or wrestling moves instead of casting disdainful fireballs. Unfortunately, the invisible AoE range of abilities spoils the fun of the game. Also the unusually long races until a comrade reaches the enemy seem strange. A timeline showing the next actors would have been helpful too.
If you like the Yakuza series and are open for new things, you definitely have to go for Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
Game Informer - Jeff Cork - 9.3 / 10
It's a new direction for the series, but Like a Dragon captures the essence of what came before while setting out on its own journey.
Game Revolution - Jason Faulkner - 4.5 / 5 stars
Yakuza fans were anxious about whether the series would survive without the glue of Kiryu Kazama to hold it together. However, Ichiban Kasuga is a worthy successor to the Dragon of Dojima, and Like a Dragon is a great new start for this fantastic series that will please long-time Yakuza fans and newcomers alike.
GameMAG - Russian - 9 / 10
You should look at Yakuza: Like a Dragon through the lens of it's protaginist. This game is unapologetically brash, unmistakable bold, life-affirming and insanely charismatic. The legend of Ichiban Kasuga journey, like a bright flame, tells us one familliar, but sweet and romantic idea - each and every one of us can become a true Hero, even if you have to fight the fate itself, while making your way through hundrends upon hundreds of random encounters.
GameSkinny - RobotsFightingDinosaurs - 10 / 10 stars
Yakuza: Like A Dragon isn't just a great Yakuza title - it's legitimately one of the best modern role-playing games there is.
GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 8 / 10
Ultimately, despite all the changes that have been made, Yakuza: Like a Dragon feels very much like a Yakuza game. The combat may now be turn-based, and the scenery might be different, but this is still a game full of drama, thrilling battles, and a huge amount of side content, all smothered with an ample amount of humour. And I never thought I’d say this, but I didn’t miss Kazuma Kiryu one jot while playing it; Ichiban Kasuga is simply a more likeable fellow with more depth. So, if you like the Yakuza series, consider Yakuza: Like a Dragon a must-have.
GameSpot - Michael Higham - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon's cast of misfits makes the wild RPG combat, absurd humor, and dramatic storytelling soar.
GameWatcher - Gavin Herman - 9.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon reminded me why I loved video games to begin with. I cannot think of a game this year that has gripped me this tightly and didn't let go. Here comes a game brimming with joy and excitement that is earnest with its drama and comedy. It's the sort of game you can gush about for hours, and I will long after this review is published. Anyone who loves RPGs, open world games, comedies, crime dramas, and games PERIOD should have a lot of fun with the newest Yakuza.
Gameblog - Romain Mahut - French - 9 / 10
As the Yakuza franchise is still trying to become a household franchise in the West, the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio decided to flip the switch and create a turn-based RPG. The result of that experiment, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, is a resounding success. The "dynamic RPG" gameplay fits the Yakuza universe and tropes like a glove and its mechanics are surprisingly deep. And the fact that the game's new characters are lovable doesn't hurt. The turn-based gameplay will probably put off some gamers but Yakuza: Like a Dragon truly deserves a shot. The Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio made the JRPG genre proud.
GamesRadar+ - Hirun Cryer - 4.5 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon impressively pulls off the switch to an RPG in style, providing an excellent combat system supported by loveable characters, and a tantalising main storyline with meaningful side quests.
GamingBolt - Pramath - 9 / 10
Yakuza is reborn in this brilliant and compelling new addition to series canon that recontextualizes series tropes and mechanics for an entirely new genre, delivering one of the best outings the series has ever seen.
GamingTrend - David Flynn - 95 / 100
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has topped themselves once again with Yakuza: Like a Dragon! This new take on Yakuza brings a lot of fun, new ideas to the table while remaining its heartfelt self. Turn based combat is somehow a perfect fit for this new direction, the characters are all instantly loveable, and the story is endearingly melodramatic.
Generación Xbox - Adrian - Spanish - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like A Dragon is a great turn-based RPG that will keep you hooked on the screen for many hours. One of the best games of the genre on Xbox.
God is a Geek - Chris White - 9.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a phenomenal entry into the Yakuza franchise, with an interesting new protagonist, a compelling story, and a combat system that constantly mixes things up.
Heavy - Elton Jones - 8.8 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon largely succeeds at moving the series forward in a bold new direction. Kasuga and his band of unlikely heroes are incredibly interesting and make it so easy to care about their crazy antics. The new main locale is massive and plays host to so many compelling things to do. Getting wrapped up in everything Like a Dragon has to offer is worth it and you’ll easily pour 30+ hours into its captivating tale. The turn-based battle system works in parts, but its annoying character placement issues and faulty summons system keep it from being a total victory. Like a Dragon is still worth hopping into if you’re looking for an amazing parody of RPG tropes, however. It’s a Yakuza sequel that signals a bright future ahead for the beloved franchise.
Hey Poor Player - Francis DiPersio - 4.5 / 5
No doubt about it, SEGA took some considerable risks when they decided to change their established formula so radically for Yakuza: Like A Dragon. But in the end, I think the gamble paid off. Ryū ga Gotoku Studio's latest offering may not pack the punchy, moment to moment gameplay of its predecessors. Still, it makes up for that with its more in-depth brawls, an engaging job system, and a story that focuses not just on a single protagonist, but on several compelling heroes with their own complex motivations. While beat-'em-up fanatics may find this change in direction blasphemous, I couldn't be happier. If you're a Yakuza fan who loves JRPGs, adding this underworld epic to your PS4 library is a no-brainer.
Hobby Consolas - Rafael Aznar - Spanish - 90 / 100
It keeps the great narrative and setting from the Yakuza series, using a new protagonist, a city that has more life than even Kamurocho and turn-based combats. It suffers from some of the classical troubles of the J-RPG, but it is a breath of fresh air and a great example of how to reinvent a franchise.
IGN - Tristan Ogilvie - 7 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon takes some bold steps in a new direction for the series but neglects to maintain its balance.
IGN Italy - Biagio Etna - Italian - 9.1 / 10
An extraordinary and courageous restart for the new Sega title, an extraordinary JRPG that lays the foundations for even more prosperous growth.
IGN Spain - Álex Pareja - Spanish - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza Like a Dragon is a real and huge JRPG who knows how to maintain the essence of the saga. Fun fighting system and deep script with too many ups and downs to justify the new playable elements. I hope this new formula that works and gives new wings to the franchise will be repeated.
Inverse - Jen Glennon - 9 / 10
Like a Dragon is right up there with Yakuza 0 in terms of sheer fun-factor and an almost dizzying abundance of stuff to see and do.
Metro GameCentral - Nick Gillett - 7 / 10
The turn-based battles don't fully convince but the new protagonist and bizarre mini-games still feel distinctively and entertainingly Yakuza.
Noisy Pixel - Azario Lopez - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon makes for an excellent new entry in this long-running series. The developers took a chance on a new protagonist and battle system, which forces fans out of their comfort zone for a very different yet, familiar Yakuza experience. Although the opening exposition can be a bit overwhelming, this is a standout video game on its own with plenty of emotional story beats, insane sub-stories, and plenty of ways to spend your time around Ijincho.
PC Gamer - Andy Kelly - 72 / 100
A fun, charming, and occasionally brilliant Yakuza game, let down by an overabundance of repetitive turn-based battles.
PCGamesN - Ian Boudreau - 9 / 10
An utterly charming yarn about friendship and kindness that breathes gritty modern life into the quaint JRPG format of classic Dragon Quest.
Pixel Arts - Arman Akbari - Persian - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a very good sequel to the popular Yakuza series which shows that Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios still manages to create a great story and narrative. The game's turn-based battles are good in themselves, but due to the extreme use of enemies in the environment, they soon became repetition.
PlayStation Universe - Joe Apsey - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like A Dragon is an impressive and quality JRPG that successfully acts as a jumping in-point for new fans and also ties itself to the series' past in exciting and engaging ways. The turn-based combat has been infused with some mechanics that help retain the action and over-the-top hilarity the series is known for. Mini-games once again shine and there is a lot packed into Ijincho. Like A Dragon paves the way for a bright future for the franchise.
Player2.net.au - Stephen del Prado - A or higher
It was a gamble on Sega’s part to make such major changes to a tried and true formula, even more bewildering given its recent meteoric rise in Western markets. If Yakuza: Like A Dragon proves anything, it’s that fortune does indeed favour the bold.
Polygon - Kazuma Hashimoto - Unscored
Like a Dragon's story attempts to touch on certain social issues that are relevant in present-day Japan, such as classism, social status, sex work, and government corruption on a prefectural level. However, the writing often lacks the nuance or range to address the topics at hand, and doesn't give any of them adequate room to breathe. The second half of the game gains some measure of focus as plot threads tie together and result in genuinely surprising twists, but when Like a Dragon drops the ball, it drops it hard. Despite this, the Japanese cast's performances sell the story with evocative deliveries that breathe life into the characters. The finale is an emotional one that brought me to tears and moved me, just as most previous Yakuza games have.
PowerUp! - Greg Newbegin - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon, when all of its pieces are taken together, is not only a fantastic new direction for the series, it's also one of its best titles.
Press Start - Kieron Verbrugge - 9 / 10
Yakuza Like a Dragon is both a fresh start and a shot in the arm that caters to series veterans and newcomers like. It bears all the hallmarks of a great Yakuza game, while making a damned good case for its revamped battle system. After Yakuza 6 topped the rest of the franchise with a matured and succinct focus it feels even more exciting to see the whole thing blown wide open again and have Ryu ga Gotoku just run wild. Kudos is deserved at Sega of America for their commitment to the game's localization as well, which is incredibly considered and comprehensive. I think I've found a new favourite Yakuza game.
RPG Site - 7 / 10
With a new battle system and new main character, Yakuza: Like A Dragon aims to be a new entry point to Yakuza newcomers even though it is anything but that.
Rocket Chainsaw - Adam Ghiggino - 4.5 / 5 stars
So, the takeaway is this – Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a successful experiment. So successful that I think it should be the template for much of the series going forward.
Saudi Gamer - Essam Al-Shahwan - Arabic - 9 / 10
A brilliant reinvention of the series that still manages to faithfully capture its essence, with an eclectic cast of characters, the star being Ichiban himself. A great entry that goes toe-to-toe with Yakuza 0.
Shacknews - Donovan Erskine - 8 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a successful pivot from traditional Yakuza mainstays. The game goes heavy on style, while still packing in enough substance to keep players satisfied. The party system and new RPG elements give players more ways to play than ever before. The turn-based combat is solid, and never feels too foreign. Longtime fans of the franchise will appreciate what Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and SEGA have to offer in Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
Siliconera - Graham Russell - 9 / 10
Much like Kasuga’s dragonfish tattoo feels like a quirky but faithful successor to Kiryu’s dragon, Yakuza: Like a Dragon rebuilds the franchise by leaving a lot of it in place. The new protagonist doesn’t feel like he has seven games of story in him, but his eagerness to join the fray could carry the next few entries.
Stevivor - Matt Gosper - 8 / 10
After the culture shock of such a total change to the Yakuza recipe, I’m extremely glad the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio team took such a big leap when Kiryu’s tale came to an end. Like A Dragon is a revitalised game full of fresh ideas and proves that the series won’t be re-treading the same ground with Ichiban in the driver’s seat. If this is the first step into the new age of Yakuza, I can’t wait to see how bonkers the next game will be.
TechRaptor - Robert Scarpinito - 8 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon refreshes the action with a turn-based JRPG that retains its charming identity, but it falls into some pitfalls that are emblematic of the genre.
The Games Machine - Danilo Dellafrana - Italian - 8.2 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is an interesting new entry into the criminal universe created by SEGA, and undoubtedly represents the most courageous and anarchic chapter so far. It's not entirely convincing, but what works bodes well for the future of the series.
TheSixthAxis - Thomas Hughes - Unscored
Yakuza Like a Dragon is an enjoyable new twist on the series, although it's not hard to imagine that many long-time fans of the series will be put off by its slow pace. In a day and age where video game companies rarely take risks, Like a Dragon is a refreshing change of pace for a series that risked starting to feel stale.
TrustedReviews - Jade King - 4.5 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a triumph, and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio should be commended for redefining such a seasoned franchise, despite the backlash it might have received. Leaving Kazuma Kiryu behind hasn't been easy, but Ichiban Kasuga and company have crafted a compelling path into the future that I cannot wait to see continue.
VideoGamer - Josh Wise - 9 / 10
This is the crux of Yakuza: Like a Dragon. It is fascinated by the way that games lurk at the soft verges of life, vesting our days with dreams.
Wccftech - Kai Powell - 9.1 / 10
The mean streets of Yokohama offer the opportunity for a new cast, a new suit, and a new hero. Ichiban Kasuga might not be the role model in the same way that Kiryu-chan was, but this dragon's quest might be the most fun Yakuza title to date!
Windows Central - Zackery Cuevas - 5 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon feels like everything I ever wanted in a game. Once the game stomps on the gas, it very rarely slows down. Its unique cast of characters and gameplay had me hooked and wanting more, and it almost feels like it never stops giving. Even after the story ends at the 45+ hour mark, I was ready to fight more, complete more side missions, and squeeze out every drop of gameplay that this game has to offer.
ZTGD - Ken McKown - 9 / 10
The Yakuza series continues to grow and expand in the gaming world. I love its quirky humor and deep narratives. This new entry begins a new saga and I cannot wait to see how the story of Ichi evolves over time. If it is even half as good as Kiryu’s the studio will have another series of great games on its hands. Everything about this title feels good and for those worried about having previous knowledge, don’t be concerned. Like a Dragon is a wonderful jumping in point for the series and also one of the best titles in it to date. Don’t sleep on this game, it is worth digging into.
submitted by GamingGideon to Games [link] [comments]

Kiryu kazuma smash concept

The reveal
It will show mario walking through a city when he hears a man screaming in an alley. Mario (being the hero as he is) runs into the alley to help, but when he gets there all he sees is the iconic dragon of Dojima tattoo. Then kiryu turns around and it says "the dragon of Dojima smashs in!"
The Gimmicks
For kiryus gimmicks he has the heat meter right above his percent meter. It will look like the one from yakuza 0. You can fill it by attacking the oppenent. Sometimes you will get a special prompt to press the special button to do a heat move at rank 2 or 3 of heat. There are some character specific heat moves. An example, If uses his motorcycle and kiryu picks it up with max heat he will be able to use the special button to smash it over his head for some big damage. It won't be cinematic. All it will do is freeze the opponent in place and have kiryu do the heat move. If there is multiple players the one not in the hat action can move and attack to either do more damage to the one getting heat actioned or to interrupt kiryu by hurting him. There's a lot of heat actions.
The specials
For his neutral special he will change his fighting style. He has four different styles, brawler, rush, beast, and dragon. Based off of his 4 styles from yakuza kiwami and yakuza 0. These will only affect some heat moves, his jabs, and his grabs. For his side special he will use the shoulder charge he learns in his beast style. He will stop at the ledge if he uses it and if he uses it in the air he will not go into free fall. You can charge it and the longer you do the farther he'll go. For his up special he will use an uppercut to go straight up, inspired by his uppercut from his rush style. Kinda like little mac but better. For his down smash its a counter. You know it, you love it, its the komaki tiger drop. Its insanely precise but if you hit it, it'll deal massive damage and send opponents flying.
The A Attacks
For his dash attack he does his normal dropkick backflip thing. For his jab in brawler mode its his normal 4 hit combo. But, the special thing about his jab is that if you use a smash attack at any time during his combo he will do a heavy attack like in his game. All his jab combos will switch depending on which style he uses. They will all be the same as in the game. For his forward tilt he will do a large hook kick. You can angle it up or down. For his up tilt he will do a quick uppercut from front to back. For his down tilt he will do a sweep kick with it sending the opponent straight up. His forward smash he does a big hook. His up smash is a big uppercut. His down smash is a crouching spin wth hus arms out.
The arials.
For his neutral air he does a standard kung foo kick like many others. For his forward air he does an axe kick in mid air with the possibility to spike. His back air is that he does a spinning back fist. His down air is that he can punch straight down. And his up air is him doing a small uppercut.
The final smash.
For his final smash goro majima comes out of nowhere whereing the costume of one of the smash characters and does a quick slash across the screen and the first opponent he hits gets sent into a quick animation where he and kiryu both beat on your opponent. It ends with majima saying in Japanese "this is for kiryu-chan!" And then a big slash mark appears across the screen. If the opponent is over 100% then they immediately die.
The taunts.
For his first taunt he has a call with one of 5 characters. The first and most likely person is Haruka. The second one is majima. The third one is date-san. The fourth one is the florist of sai. And the final one is nagumo from yakuza 6. For his second taunt he just makes a come at me symbol with his hands. For his final taunt he clenchs his fists in his fighting position.
The entrences/win screen.
He enters the game by walking in under the red kamurocho sign. For his first win screen he sees haruka run up and hug him. For his second one he walks away and throws his jacket on the floor. For his final win screen a bunch of his friends show up and take a pick with him.
The grabs
He just has his normal grabs from the games.
The outfits
For his normal costume he wears his normal red and grey suit. His alts are the different costumes he wears in his games. He has the white and orange suit from Y0, his Hawaiian shirt from Y3, his judgement suit from Y0, an ono michio costume, a costume that mimics goro majimas costume, a normal black and white costume and a costume where he is shirtless.
If you guys have any other ideas or something to add, tell me in the comments.
submitted by throwawaygang6942021 to smashbros [link] [comments]

A kiryu smash ultimate moveset

The reveal
It will show mario walking through a city when he hears a man screaming in an alley. Mario (being the hero as he is) runs into the alley to help, but when he gets there all he sees is the iconic dragon of Dojima tattoo. Then kiryu turns around and it says "the dragon of Dojima smashs in!"
The Gimmicks
For kiryus gimmicks he has the heat meter right above his percent meter. It will look like the one from yakuza 0. You can fill it by attacking the oppenent. Sometimes you will get a special prompt to press the special button to do a heat move at rank 2 or 3 of heat. There are some character specific heat moves. An example, If uses his motorcycle and kiryu picks it up with max heat he will be able to use the special button to smash it over his head for some big damage. It won't be cinematic. All it will do is freeze the opponent in place and have kiryu do the heat move. If there is multiple players the one not in the hat action can move and attack to either do more damage to the one getting heat actioned or to interrupt kiryu by hurting him. There's a lot of heat actions.
The specials
For his neutral special he will change his fighting style. He has four different styles, brawler, rush, beast, and dragon. Based off of his 4 styles from yakuza kiwami and yakuza 0. These will only affect some heat moves, his jabs, and his grabs. For his side special he will use the shoulder charge he learns in his beast style. He will stop at the ledge if he uses it and if he uses it in the air he will not go into free fall. You can charge it and the longer you do the farther he'll go. For his up special he will use an uppercut to go straight up, inspired by his uppercut from his rush style. Kinda like little mac but better. For his down smash its a counter. You know it, you love it, its the komaki tiger drop. Its insanely precise but if you hit it, it'll deal massive damage and send opponents flying.
The A Attacks
For his dash attack he does his normal dropkick backflip thing. For his jab in brawler mode its his normal 4 hit combo. But, the special thing about his jab is that if you use a smash attack at any time during his combo he will do a heavy attack like in his game. All his jab combos will switch depending on which style he uses. They will all be the same as in the game. For his forward tilt he will do a large hook kick. You can angle it up or down. For his up tilt he will do a quick uppercut from front to back. For his down tilt he will do a sweep kick with it sending the opponent straight up. His forward smash he does a big hook. His up smash is a big uppercut. His down smash is a crouching spin wth hus arms out.
The arials.
For his neutral air he does a standard kung foo kick like many others. For his forward air he does an axe kick in mid air with the possibility to spike. His back air is that he does a spinning back fist. His down air is that he can punch straight down. And his up air is him doing a small uppercut.
The final smash.
For his final smash goro majima comes out of nowhere whereing the costume of one of the smash characters and does a quick slash across the screen and the first opponent he hits gets sent into a quick animation where he and kiryu both beat on your opponent. It ends with majima saying in Japanese "this is for kiryu-chan!" And then a big slash mark appears across the screen. If the opponent is over 100% then they immediately die.
The taunts.
For his first taunt he has a call with one of 5 characters. The first and most likely person is Haruka. The second one is majima. The third one is date-san. The fourth one is the florist of sai. And the final one is nagumo from yakuza 6. For his second taunt he just makes a come at me symbol with his hands. For his final taunt he clenchs his fists in his fighting position.
The entrences/win screen.
He enters the game by walking in under the red kamurocho sign. For his first win screen he runs runs up and hugs him. For his second one he walks away and throws his jaket on the floor. For his final win screen a bunch of his friends show up and take a pick with him.
The grabs
He just has his normal grabs from the games.
If you guys have any other ideas or something to add, tell me in the comments.
submitted by throwawaygang6942021 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

The dragon of Dojima, Kiryu Kazuma joins smash.

The reveal
It will show mario walking through a city when he hears a man screaming in an alley. Mario (being the hero as he is) runs into the alley to help, but when he gets there all he sees is the iconic dragon of Dojima tattoo. Then kiryu turns around and it says "the dragon of Dojima smashs in!"
The Gimmicks
For kiryus gimmicks he has the heat meter right above his percent meter. It will look like the one from yakuza 0. You can fill it by attacking the oppenent. Sometimes you will get a special prompt to press the special button to do a heat move at rank 2 or 3 of heat. There are some character specific heat moves. An example, If uses his motorcycle and kiryu picks it up with max heat he will be able to use the special button to smash it over his head for some big damage. It won't be cinematic. All it will do is freeze the opponent in place and have kiryu do the heat move. If there is multiple players the one not in the hat action can move and attack to either do more damage to the one getting heat actioned or to interrupt kiryu by hurting him. There's a lot of heat actions.
The specials
For his neutral special he will change his fighting style. He has four different styles, brawler, rush, beast, and dragon. Based off of his 4 styles from yakuza kiwami and yakuza 0. These will only affect some heat moves, his jabs, and his grabs. For his side special he will use the shoulder charge he learns in his beast style. He will stop at the ledge if he uses it and if he uses it in the air he will not go into free fall. You can charge it and the longer you do the farther he'll go. For his up special he will use an uppercut to go straight up, inspired by his uppercut from his rush style. Kinda like little mac but better. For his down smash its a counter. You know it, you love it, its the komaki tiger drop. Its insanely precise but if you hit it, it'll deal massive damage and send opponents flying.
The A Attacks
For his dash attack he does his normal dropkick backflip thing. For his jab in brawler mode its his normal 4 hit combo. But, the special thing about his jab is that if you use a smash attack at any time during his combo he will do a heavy attack like in his game. All his jab combos will switch depending on which style he uses. They will all be the same as in the game. For his forward tilt he will do a large hook kick. You can angle it up or down. For his up tilt he will do a quick uppercut from front to back. For his down tilt he will do a sweep kick with it sending the opponent straight up. His forward smash he does a big hook. His up smash is a big uppercut. His down smash is a crouching spin wth hus arms out.
The arials.
For his neutral air he does a standard kung foo kick like many others. For his forward air he does an axe kick in mid air with the possibility to spike. His back air is that he does a spinning back fist. His down air is that he can punch straight down. And his up air is him doing a small uppercut.
The final smash.
For his final smash goro majima comes out of nowhere whereing the costume of one of the smash characters and does a quick slash across the screen and the first opponent he hits gets sent into a quick animation where he and kiryu both beat on your opponent. It ends with majima saying in Japanese "this is for kiryu-chan!" And then a big slash mark appears across the screen. If the opponent is over 100% then they immediately die.
The taunts.
For his first taunt he has a call with one of 5 characters. The first and most likely person is Haruka. The second one is majima. The third one is date-san. The fourth one is the florist of sai. And the final one is nagumo from yakuza 6. For his second taunt he just makes a come at me symbol with his hands. For his final taunt he clenchs his fists in his fighting position.
The entrences/win screen.
He enters the game by walking in under the red kamurocho sign. For his first win screen, he chugs down a staminan royale. For #2, he ounces a tiger that was lunging at him, referencing yakuza Kiwami 2\yakuza 2. For #3, he smiles at the picture of everyone at the orphanage.
The grabs
For his grab he grabs the collar of your shirt, and for the pummel he punches you in the face, a lot. For his forward the he does a judo throw over his shoulder. For his back throw he throws you over his head using your collar. For his down throw, he grabs you by the face and slams it down. For his up throw he kicks you into the air. He can also do some heat moves while grabbing you.
The outfits
For his standard outfit he wears his grey suit with a red dress shirt inside. For his other costumes, he wears his white and orange suit from Y0, his Hawaiian shirt from Y3, his suit and coat from Y5, an ono michio suit from Y6, his judgement suit from Y0. Next, he has a white suit with a black dress shirt, based off of his best friend nishikiyama. And finally a goro majima inspired outfit.
If you guys have any other ideas or something to add, tell me in the comments.
submitted by throwawaygang6942021 to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

What does the Tojo clan logo mean?

I have been wanting to get a Yakuza related tattoo and I figured the logo of the Tojo clan is a good option. However, I've never learnt what the japanese symbol on it means. I don't know if it just says Tojo or something completely different, and I would like to figure it out before I mark it forever in my skin. If someone knows I will appreciate their answers
submitted by Maxeneize to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Why does the people in Yakuza 0 take off their shirts in some battles?

I've noticed Kyryu, Kuze, Nishikiyama and Majima took off their shirts on a certain fight and I just thought it was for the visual purpose, but when Majima takes off his own, the yakuzas that surround him feel scared. Why? Does it have any meaning to take of your shirt being a yakuza? Does showing that tattoo symbolize something?
submitted by Xulloh to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

The Dragon

I was raised as a Jehovahs witness and I remember being taught that the dragon in the Bible is also the Devil. Later I asked them about is the dragon in the Bible and Revelation and the cultural Chinese Dragon. I got the answer that the Dragon was a symbol for the Chinese emperor but now it is just a symbol for good luck. Apperantly the asian chinese cultural dragon has no connection to the devil-dragon in the Bible. But I clearly remember being taught in childhood that the Devil is also a Dragon.
I have to admit my JW upbringing legit convinced me as a child that chinese culture is kind of satanic.
The Kpop artist G-Dragon legit rubs me to this day the wrong way and make me feel strange.
Plus the fact that the dragon is a symbol among asian mafia in tattoos and amwf porn (which makes
me feel at the same time cringe as f and mildly irritated)
When I read Wild Swans by Jung Chang where she basically wrote her mother had an abortion because she felt she could better serve the Communist Chinese government. That moment I got
"child sacrifice for Communist Party" vibes. And I remembered all the stories from the Old Testament about the caananites sacrificed their children to their gods.
Being raised as a JW by former atheist parent from communist countries as refuges and immigrants
in Sweden , and reading the whole Bible legit fucked me up.
Because according to JWs fetus=child.
My parents were atheist raised during Communism. They only got into Jws after coming to Sweden after my birth because they both studied in Moscow.
But our life did not turn out good and I legit think the JWs are an organization to hunt down communists around the world and reeducate communists children into christianity.
My parents got threathened by social services and mm and my mother fled to Russia.
I still think all of this happened only because of my grandfather being a cuban diplomat in North Korea. My father also never baptised himself into the Jws unlike my mother.
Yes I have read the book by Yeonmi Park "To be able to live" and I can sympathise with her.
But what concerns me more is my grandfather who lives very poor in Cuba and despite being on pension he continues to work. No matter how much I sympathise with Yeonmi Park I am more concerned about Cuba and Russia and why the main population is so poor there.
I am also concerned with the artificial milk-producing companies invading republics not so far from my mothers republic only employing chinese from the mainland and producing crap unhealthy products to sell in Russia.

I remember the JWs literature having the focus on prozelyting "worldly" people especially Chinese in China.
I remember the literature where we were encouraged to "take the step over to Macedonia" where two girls prozelyted to two chinese.
I especially think of this when I discovered the book and movie The Bitter Tea of General Yen.
I also think of it when Jws get jailed for prozelyting in China.
Also I remember in the book "What does the Bible really learn?" there was this picture with an asian woman reading the Bible.
I feel that I have a weird relationship to Asians even thought I am half asian myself. I am half Cuban ,half Tatar. Tatars ara considered minority asians in Russia.
It started with when my blonde best swedish friend Hulda (fake name) father got divorced (the family were JWs) to his swedish wife and married a Thai woman. The swedish wife married an african refugee.
That legit made me start feeling doubt in my religion.
I used to go with my famly to a chinese traditional doctor who was very kind who gave my parents a traditional chinese cooking utensil.
My mother is best friend with a woman from Tajikistan that is Uzbek who was a wealthy woman during communist regime. We also know another woman from Kazakhstan whose dad was a politican but
who seems to have gotten some grudge against my mum. She also did a really mean joke after my fathers death about him being behind the Chernobyl accident just for being a nuclear engineer who worked there at one point.
Only after my fathers death have I seen really how nasty Huldas mother really is when she claimed my mother did wrong by escaping from social services with me to Russia. I told her she was bullshitting and lying. I also hate the posh polish JW woman who claimed I stole her daughters jacket in childhood. Now they just ignore us. I am really disappointed with the Jws and legit think they contacted our family
only to destroy my dad and make his daughter anti-communist.
I also really hate how poorly my parents got treated here despite their higher educations

My parents used to help a Vietnamese family with documents and helping them not getting scammed into laundering money . They were very kind but shortly abrupted our relationship and talking after the wifes vietnamese friend started talking about JWs being bad.
But I remember going to a school where a filipina girl hated me and used to put dirty water in my water drinking bottle. She was in love with a swedish boy from a nationalistic swedish party and was jealous because he showed interest in me. Btw the boy said he was a satanist when I told him I was JW.
Once I tried to make friend s with a Thai boy at school but it did not work out.
When I heard a higher educated russian man on Youtube complain about the asians and their cliques
and how we russians and cenral asians dont have our cliques the same way and how the west hates us russians I have to agree. I relly recommend everybody to listen to the Youtubers Revengestar, Vovan Japan 0.2 and Nazar Ilishev.
I some time read the manga Rosario Vampire with the vampire girl Moka Akashiya and when the russian youtuber Ashiya popped up with the same name it made me feel weird.

I was also really into Vampire knight but then I stumbled upon the website NihongoNews where
they exposed the dark side of Japan and all the red sun flag dark history so I remember when waiting outside a grocery store alone for my mother in Russia I saw an asian dude walking past me with red sun tattoos it made my stomach churn in discomfort. I also remember when I was lying in the hospital in Russia I got harassed for taking communist books from the hospital library to read.
There was this asian dude laughing at me for being shy and not used to talking to guys there.
Also once I got submitted into a psychiatric hospital alone and some asian girl and dude had sex behind a sliding wall while I was tied to bed. I am still angry on my mum for focing me in psychiatic hospitals 2 times just because I could not sleep at night. At the hospital there was also an asian nurse forcing a pill that fell to the floor into my mouth by force.
Also at the endocrinological hospital there was an really gruff , rough, hoarse main doctor without one finger (yakuza sign anybody?) that was really rude to my mum.
These are the 4 weird asians I cant forget. The one with the red sun tattoo ,the rude one ,the one behind the sliding wall and the one missing finger doctor. Watching japanese visual kei videos with the red rising flag makes me SO uncomfortable. I constantly remeber that guy who walked past me when I see that.
Also I got an operation on my stomach. While I was lying in the endocrinological part of the hospital I overheard old babushkas talking about the main doctor and his daugher ruling the hospital being very affluent poeple making the hard working babushkas pretty salty. They also insiniated I had had an abortion even thought I explained it was only the appendix that got removed.
I confronted my mum about it but she stands by that it only was the appendix.
Later I got maredreams and strange thoughts if maybe I was raped during sleep in the other hospital because I remember one day waking up and seeing a weird condom lying in the corridor (I slept in the corridor) and the asian guy quickly moving out after that. I also remember the nurses choosing especially him to once deliver me some pills I had to swallow.
But the most horrifiying memory I have is when the asian guy rolled me in a wheel chair and I remember him whispering some strange words I dont fully remember (dont be afraid?) when they transferred me from hospital to hospital.
I also read about Japan and China and the yakuza from books in the library while I was in my mothers hometown but later strangely these books disappeared.
I also I remember the constant flower kiosk named Sakura and tokyoflower in my city the sudokus selled in every kiosk and after reading all those horrible things about what the japanese did ww2 it just puts bad taste in my mouth.
I really find visual kei intersting with how they portray themselves as demons and its interesting to me that all the foreign visual kei arists are thai swedish, english and from the western world.
Especially SekimaII and their "demons" concept. They remember me of the female russian band U-kei.
I have been watching Kazakh pop the latest years and its unsettling to watch them don kimonos.
I have even seen tatar musicians do it.
I may be revealing to much of my life. But the internet has opened my eyes to how asian diasporas absorb everything around themselves. Reading asian supremacist subreddits here on reddit makes me even more uncomfortable. But my biggest beef that I have is when I read that chinese hate europeans and central asians but then I remembered the traditional chinese doctor named Pan who was so kind
and dismissed it.But there is tons of anti-asian ,anti-chinese info on russian Youtube.
But it is true that ex-communist immigrant dont support and band together judging by all the chinese shops,thai massage salons, indian resturants in my swedish town but no russian or central asian resturants. Even in Cuba I saw a Chinese resturant and saw the stories of the chinese residents in Cuba and the store selling asian, anime and K-dramas in Havana. Also the new Crazy Rich Asians and Mulan movie compared to the Borat movie reminded everyone that the new Han Chinese supremacist narrative is being pushed.
I was always so amused by the fact that Cinderella called the cat Lucifer in the cartoon and the pet dragon in Mulan and speculated over Disneys satanism.
My question is with the chinese dragon in the Bible.
My second question is with contemporary Israel and why is lbgt and femenism and abortion so accepted there if it is prohibited in the Bible. Like doesnt it bother anyone at all that the non-israelite people in the book of Joshua worship the sun and to me they SO much wakes up associations of the red rising sun flag to me ?
Because of this seeing the jewish star in japanese visual kei videos also makes me feel strange.
My father always had a negative opinion on Japan and Israel.
My second is when I saw the music video Ai-dolls -Ai-dolls (kyrgyz pop). Ai means moon in kyrgyz but means love in japanese so that reminded me of the manga Princess Ai and made me uncomfortable.
My cousin studies in China but refuses to tell me how he has it. He had a chinese girlfriend but broke up with her.
His father had a company named Thanks (Rahmat) Tea but his son got brutally murdered so the company died but strangely enough some weird product with the same name started selling while I lived with my mother in Russia. My mothers last name consists of the word Thanks (Rahmat).
My uncle got a sexual disease while flying to buy Indian Tea in India so that really got me thinking.
I dont shame Indian people ,my mother is friends with one.

But I clearly see that chinese culture is anti-Bible. I remember watching the tv-series Empress of China.
There Wu Ruyi (Meiniang) kills a girl named Gaoyang. Later I watched an Youtube video of a chinese man claim that the god in the Bible is the same as the ancient chinese God and he said that Gaoyang means lamb. It felt like deja vu.
I also remember watching a japanese Youtuber in russian talking about japanese mythology that it goes like this: The Japanese god fell in love and procreated with humans and from there went all people. I had biblical deja vu when I heard of this and remembered the band Seikima II.
The thing is: I remember a russian girl magazine adverising the Hinamatsuri , Japanese girl fashion and "The land of the rising Soul" to russian young girls I cannot phantom the sneaky evilness of the japanese people propagating and advertising their culture to young girls only for the young girls to fly to Japan only to realize that Japan is like Saudi Arabia only more advertised and pink.
And I know that japanese culture is actively advertised in Russia.
I remember liking anime ,Sailor Moon and manga and wanting to translate manga into minority language in Russia but when I understood how dark and twistedly obsessed the japanese are with demons it made me think twice. Also 4chan anyone?
Some Youtuber said that if you learn japanese and start reading 4chan you will regret you learned japanese.
What I have learned from the russian Youtuber VovanJapan is 1:Japanese people love themselves very much. I have read traditional japanese poetry and I think it is true judging by the poem "Loving Oneself" I read.
Also remember reading the japanese poem wher the man tells the women "Dont think you cant be replaced and are unique". That kind of attitude also is a turn-off to me.
And asian people reading this and hating me:I dont care.
My uncle was very kind and always gave left-over food to his north koran servants while being a diplomat.
But I really hate all the toxic, hating and bullying by asian and especially japanese people online.
I really dislike their feudalistic ,passive-agressive hating on the Internet.
Just look at all the hate Blinchik in Japan , lolcow farm, pretty ugly little liars , Yoo Lana and other
pretty non-asian ,non-japanese females get. It is sickening.
It is also sickening seeing how russian-speaking men praise japanese women and shit on russian women under Sergey Kuvaevs videos.
I just dont think rasistic, imperialistic, rising red sun-wearing tattooed asians should be walking around in my mothers home town and make innocent girls like me feel unsafe.
I see VovanJapans YT channel get taken down and it makes me think he speaks the truth.
The film Interdevochka also got a price in Japan I think that talks about something.
You can read my post as fiction from planet X.
I have read beutiful japanese traditional poetry and japanese mythology.
But I have also read ugly japanese comment hidden by anonimity on the internet and it makes me disgusted.
Like the only thing I can think of is the son Katoosha by AKB4.
But I have read russians saying it is very had to talk to japanese people because they are so quiet
and you have to force words out of them.
I think Japan is like the dentist clinic in Sailor Moon :Kawaii -Hawaii on the outside but horrifying on the inside.VovanJapan said that they do medical experiments on foreigners in Japan. I always think of Viagras music video Anti.-Geisha where a japanese girls shoots at you throught the TV.Or In-Yans music video Kamikaze.
I saw japanese hair salons and a sushi shop in my mother russian hometown.
I know a mongolian woman that works in a sushi shop here in sweden that has two married mongolian relatives living in japan working for a japanese car company.
Why do we russians celebrate the Victory over Germany , but not over Japan?
Why is there a monument remembering the japanese soliders in Russia?
Why do we Russians allow this to happen?
Why do we russians not stand up for ourselves?
I have watched DenTV and they tell about how the japanese think we russian dropped the bombs on them.It makes me sick.
I think that in japanese culture the concept conscience does not exist. At least judging y russian DenTV that is the case. They have shame culture but dont have the concept of sincere regret.
Of course I have never met japanese people in real life.
But I dont intend to try to Skype to a silent robot and try to force words out of them forcefully.
If any japanese think otherwise they can comment below.
I probably wont comment anyway as I am sick of seeing americans shit on Cuba and Russia in general.
So I am preparing for the communist haters!
I have teo questions:
1.Did the japanese ask forgiveness from Russia for their war crimes occuping Russia up tot the Uralic Mountains?
2.If not , What do they want from us crating Youtube channels saying they are proud of their forefathers who were soliders doing their duty in (Tatarstan) and marrying russian women?
Showing the monument commerating japanese soliders?
But the think making me most angry is when DenTV said japanese spies create anime communities in russian on the internet telling russian youth to commit suicide. That is the definition of going over all

The japanese really are Jorogumos on the World Wide Web searching for naive innocent flie-like russian youths to ensnare and push to sucide!
submitted by TatarCubanGirl to u/TatarCubanGirl [link] [comments]

Criminal Symbols and Markers - Book Recommendations?

I'm interested in learning more about criminal 'symbols' that organizations and individuals use for various purposes, like as part of a group culture (Yakuza or Russian mob tattoos) or as a way to identify others in the same criminal subculture. Does anyone know a good academic survey or summary on the topic? Not having much luck with google so far.
submitted by vforvenison to Criminology [link] [comments]

Had Nishiki's koi tattooed on my forearm for a while figured I should share

Had Nishiki's koi tattooed on my forearm for a while figured I should share submitted by Scotlandbtw to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

My sad story

One time on vacation I was turned away from entering japan because they mistook the sharpie mark on my hand for a tattoo (common yakuza symbol)
I still love anime though or should I say daisuki anime
submitted by Hamahaki to yakuzacirclejerk [link] [comments]

Shiki Fūjin; first session tattoo

Shiki Fūjin; first session tattoo submitted by thebendandreach666 to Naruto [link] [comments]

Update on the list of all mysteries of One Piece (so far...264!!)

I posted a list a few weeks ago that i created with all the mysteries, foreshadows and questions withou answers of One Piece. The feedback was amazing and i wanna thank everyone that commented on and added more questions to the list (more on that later). Thank you so much!
And because we ended such amazing and mindblowing run of chapters between the arcs of Wano, i wanted to put a updated list with questions that were answered in the last chapters and the MORE questions Oda create in the manga.
I also don't want to bother you guys everytime that a new chapter comes out posting here the updated list. So i created a Doc on Google that i will update constantly with the mysteries.
If you guys want to complement the list, i will put some of my social media that you can contact me and add up.
SPEAKING OF, i'll put the name of everyone who helps to add more mysteries on the list. 14 people already helped in the last post, and i putted the name of everyone on the end of the list.
LINK: https://bit.ly/2Iw6Lqe
There's also a Portuguese version, with the same list: https://bit.ly/2AV1eW0
Share the list with everyone that you think will have any interest in such a thing.
Last chapter of the update: 958
1 Main Mysteries
  1. What is the One Piece?
  2. What is and where is the island of Raftel (or Laugh Tale)?
  3. Who were the D., the supposed enemies of the gods?
  4. What does D. mean?
  5. What is the Will of the D?
  6. What is the connection between their smile and Laugh Tale? Why is the island called the "sleeping island" in Stampede?
  7. Where's the Lost Red Poneglyph?
  8. How exactly they are made, and why? (suggestion of B1nKaTa on Reddit)
  9. What is the Voice of All Things? Is it related to Observation Haki?
  10. What was the Great Kingdom?
  11. What happened in the Great War?
  12. What happened in the Void Century?
  13. How are Devil Fruits made?
  14. Why do they prevent the user from swimming?
  15. Has anyone created them?
  16. Who are the Sea Devils?
  17. Where is the All Blue?
  18. What is the origin of Haki? The relationship of Ryuuou, Mantra and other forms of Haki presented in different regions of the world.
  19. What are and the purpose of the Ancient Weapons?
  20. And where is Uranus?
  21. Who was Joy Boy?
  22. How would Noah be used?
Total: 22
2- Tenryuubitos and the WG
  1. What are the names and details of the Tenryuubitos families?
  2. Who is Im?
  3. And what light did he decide to eliminate and speak to the Gorousei in Levely? It's Vivi?
  4. What are the names and powers of the Gorousei?
  5. What is the Mariejois National Treasure?
  6. Is there anything to do with the frozen straw hat Im visited?
  7. What is the importance of straw hats?
  8. Will GM clear a part of history again? As it did with the Void Century.
  9. Why did the Nefertari family decide to stay out of Mariejois?
  10. Lucci's story upon entering CP0. This topic also includes what is the new powers and abilities of Rob Lucci post TS.
  11. Will we see the current look of all the old CP9 in the CP0?
  12. Who are the CP0 members with masks?
  13. What is Stussy's identity and age?
  14. How strong Kong is? He has some Devil Fruit? Why he is on that position of commander in chief on WG? (suggestion of Maritimo0 on Reddit)
  15. What did King Cobra have to say to the Gorousei? (already answered?)
  16. What is CP0 doing in Wano? Just the scene that occurred in chapter 929 or did they return to Wano later?
  17. Was Attach always a CP member or was the real one caught? Is there any consequence about Morgans beating a member of the government?
Total: 17
3- The Strawhats
  1. Who is Luffy's mother?
  2. How will Luffy be the cause of a new age? As many characters cite.
  3. Will Luffy really cause the end of Fishman Island?
  4. What will be the Awakening of his Devil Fruit?
  5. Does Luffy really have the power to hear The Voice of All Things? As seen with Zunisha.
  6. Will we see Nami's parents and was she really born in the Oykot kingdom?
  7. Will we see more of Zoro's past and who are his parents?
  8. Story behind Zoro's scar and can he open the other eye again?
  9. What is the origin and will we see a new version of Zoro's Ashura skill?
  10. Will Laboon find Brook again?
  11. Who are Franky's biological parents? (suggestion of TessellatedCoil on Reddit)
  12. What are the full names of Usopp, Nami, Brook, and Jimbei? (suggestion of TessellatedCoil on Reddit)
  13. When will the Straw Hat (and Bellamy) fleet be summoned by Luffy?
  14. What is the consequence of Bartolomeo's Straw Hat fleet having burned the Shanks flag on an island in the cover series?
  15. What was in Bartolomeo briefcase in chapter 714? (suggestion of Qwardian on Reddit)
  16. What is written on the two normal Poneglyphs that Big Mom had?
Total: 16
4- Gol D. Roger
  1. What was Gol D. Roger's powers?
  2. Why didn't Roger tell the world about the Lost Century and what was in Laugh Tale?
  3. What was Roger's disease?
  4. Where are Scooper and Seagul, former crew members of Roger?
  5. What was the egg in Oro Jackson?
  6. Why exactly did Roger team up with Garp (and the Tenryuubitos, in a way) to stop the Rocks in God Valley?
Total: 6
5- Yonkous and Rocks
  1. What is the origin of Rocks and his crew? Which taboos Rocks broke?
  2. Will we see Shiki the Golden Lion in the manga?
  3. Who are the Silver Axe and Wang Zhi of the Rocks?
  4. How did Shakky and Rayleigh meet?
  5. When were Big Mom, Kaido and Whitebeard considered yonkous?
  6. How did Big Mom get the power of Carmel?
  7. Will we know who are the dads of all Big Mom's children?
  8. Is Napoleon really a homie or is there something else?
  9. What debt does Kaido owe Big Mom?
  10. What is Kaido's past?
  11. Does his endurance and immortality come from his fruit or is there something else?
  12. What is his Devil Fruit name? Ii is really mythological? (suggestion of HalimAziz87 on Reddit)
  13. What is King?
  14. Are All-Stars really brothers?
  15. Will we see more of Whitebeard's past and the importance of the island where he was born?
  16. It was unclear how he got the other two scars on his chest. Will we see this?
  17. Will we see the origin of his title of "The Strongest Man in the World"?
  18. Why Crocodile wanted to kill Whitebeard and what is the connection between them? (suggestion of B1nKaTa on Reddit)
  19. Did Ace have the Observation Haki? (Not specified on Vivre Card)
  20. The current situation of Jozu, Oars Jr and other Whitebeard's pirates. It is not known if they are alive.
  21. Why is Aokiji affiliated with Blackbeard today?
  22. What is Blackbeard's past?
  23. How was he able to absorb two Devil Fruits and why does Marco say his body is different?
  24. How can other members of Blackbeard crew steal devil fruits? (suggestion of B1nKaTa on Reddit)
  25. Does Laffite have an Devil Fruit?
  26. Who is the captain of the Tenth Blackbeard Fleet?
  27. What is the power of members like Van Augur, Avalo Pizaro, Vasco Shot and Doq Q?
  28. Will Gecko Moria team up with Blackbeard?
  29. When will the war take place to conquer the Pirate King's throne among the yonkous?
  30. Where is Blackbeard going?
Total: 30
6- Shanks
  1. What is the power of Shanks?
  2. How did Shanks become a Yonkou?
  3. What was Shanks talking to the Gorousei?
  4. What is the origin of his relationship with the Gorousei and if there is anything else he went to deal with in Mariejois?
  5. Why did Shanks and Buggy never want to go after One Piece?
  6. Past of him with Mihawk.
  7. How did Shanks stop Kaido from enter the war? (suggestion of B1nKaTa on Reddit)
  8. What has happened between Vista and Yassop in the past?
  9. Whose wedding was Shanks attending on one of the cover series?
Total: 9
7- Admirals and Marines
  1. Will we have a look at Fujitora's past and how did he blind himself?
  2. Who is Ryokugyu?
  3. How can he not eat for 3 years?
  4. What did Garp do for Aokiji to have a debt with him?
  5. What is the meaning of SWORD, what are its intentions, origin and affiliate members?
  6. Who told Akainu about the Big Mom and Kaido alliance?
  7. Who was Fujitora facing in Chapter 957?
  8. Why did Akainu talk to Fujitora again after Dressrosa's events?
Total: 8
8- Ex-Shichibukais
  1. Will we see when the Shichibukais were founded?
  2. Is Weevil really a son of Whitebeard? What's his past?
  3. What is Mihawk's past?
  4. Who was Bartholomew Kuma and why was he considered a Tyrant?
  5. Why did he become the model for the Pacifistas?
  6. What happened in the Rocky Port incident that made Law become a Shitchibukai? Coby was there too.
  7. Gecko Moria's past and the reason for his scar on his body.
  8. What will happen to Mihawk, Boa Hancock (her island), Buggy (her crew) and Weevil (and Bakkin) now being hunted by the Navy?
  9. What will be the new bounty of the ex-Shichibukais?
  10. Will Coby face Boa Hancock?
  11. Will Doflamingo really suffer an assassination attempt on Impel Down? As he predicted would happen.
Total: 11
9- Vegapunk
  1. Who is Vegapunk? His face, personality and past.
  2. What is SSG?
  3. What is the past between Vegapunk, Sanji's father and Ceasar as scientists?
  4. What is the technique for Devil Fruits to be eaten by objects?
  5. Is he the doctor Oda said will explain the mechanisms of how Devil Fruits work at some point in the story?
Total: 5
10- Supernovas
  1. What is Jewelry Bonney's relationship with Kuma and Ace?
  2. What is her motivation for her actions? What is her true age?
  3. Where is Urougue?
  4. What will happen with Bege and his crew in the current cover series? What they will find in Dressrosa?
  5. What's the name of Devil Fruit's Kid? (I put him for being the most relevant, but of several other Supernovas we don't have the name yet either, such as Jewelry Bonney)
  6. How X-Drake get the Ancient Zoan fruit? Is it the reason why his father treated him like shit, for eating that fruit ? (suggestion of Rappy 28 on Reddit)
  7. Why was Law's real surname Water considered a taboo? (suggestion of 10fingersmikey on Reddit)
Total: 7
11- Revolutionaries
  1. What is the power of Monkey D. Dragon?
  2. Why did he leave Goa and found the Revolutionaries?
  3. What is the mystery of his past that your Vivre Card cites?
  4. Does Koala have any kind of Haki?
  5. Is Sabo really dead? Who was the alleged killer?
  6. Where are the other Revolutionaries who were in Reverie? Could they declare war on the GM?
  7. What is the relationship of Dragon and Garp?
Total: 7
12- Other Characters
  1. Will Enel go back to the story?
  2. What is the secret Ivankov keeps from Crocodile?
  3. What is the name and members of his new group?
  4. Crocodile have any Haki?
  5. What is Reiju's Devil Fruit (if she has one. Said in an OP Magazine)?
  6. Will we see Bon Kurei (Bentham) again?
  7. The figure who was having a drink with Crocus on a cover series, was someone we knew or a new character?
  8. Will Ceasar be back?
  9. Will Kobi and Luffy meet again?
  10. Where's is Coby parents? Are they dead? (suggestion of B1nKaTa on Reddit)
  11. Who is the father of Makino's child shown in cover story of Chapter 614? (suggestion of theslowspoke on Reddit)
  12. Where did Perona go?
  13. What happened to Jinbe, the Sun Pirates, the Vinsmokes and Pekoms after the end of Whole Cake?
  14. What are Smoker and Tashigi doing?
  15. And Sentoumaru?
  16. What event took place in Alabasta? Which Garp quotes on Fishman Island.
  17. Morgans cites an assassination attempt, whose?
  18. What leaked information does Wapol have for Morgans?
  19. King Neptune got to propose to Reverie the idea of ​​Fishmen migrating to the surface? What is the result?
Total: 19
13- Haoshoku Haki
Who was not specified in Vivre Cards and could or not have (specially based on the articles of Library of Ohara):
  1. Sakazuki.
  2. Borsalino.
  3. Jinbe.
  4. Blackbeard.
  5. Garp.
  6. Kong (this is my idea, not LoO)
Total: 6
14- Bounties
  1. Rayliegh and All Gol D. Roger Crew.
  2. All Blackbeard Commanders.
  3. Rocks D. Xebec
  4. Other old members of the Rocks, like Shakky and Bakkin (suggestion of Maritimo0 on Reddit)
  5. Reward of Shiki, John, Silver Ax and Wang Zhi.
  6. All of the Whitebeard Commanders (except Ace, of course).
  7. All the bounties of Shanks group.
  8. Dragon.
  9. Mihawk.
  10. Koala.
  11. 4 Revolutionary Commanders.
  12. Ivankov.
  13. Inazuma.
  14. Crocodile.
  15. Zeff.
  16. Alladin.
  17. Vinsmokes.
  18. If Roger and Whitebeard are the greatest rewards in history among pirates, who is between them and Kaido and Big Mom? Is Dragon considered a pirate or may he have an even greater reward?
Total: 18
15- The World of One Piece
  1. Who are the 5 Western Families?
  2. What is the reason behind the construction of the bridge in Tequila Wolf?
  3. Who was the doctor who could cure all diseases?
  4. Will we see more of the story behind Birka, the ruins on the moon, and why does it bear the same name as Enel's hometown?
  5. Who were the Space Pirates and where they come from? (suggestion of B1nKaTa on Reddit)
  6. Who is Dory and Broguy's Blood Snake? Just the Red Line?
  7. Is the Red Line artificial?
  8. What are those shadowy figures at the end of Thriller Bark?
  9. Why and who ordered Zunisha to be cursed to walk eternally?
  10. What is the origin of the Davy Back Fight game? Did it really come from Beehive Island?
  11. What is Captain John's legendary treasure?
  12. More details about the tribe of the 3 eyes.
  13. What are the three races Big Mom doesn't have in her collection yet?
  14. Will we ever know what the globe that Bege found and the lightning-rain island that Urouge found, among other crazy New World islands other characters have come across?
  15. What happened to the Germa family losing their kingdom after 66 days 300 years ago at North Blue? What happened in the Conquest of Four Nations? (suggestion of GabrielMichaelson on Reddit)
  16. By the end of the manga we will be aware of all 50 Ryo Wazamono, 21 The Wazamono and especially the 12 Saijo The Wazamono?
  17. Who created the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia?
  18. Does Nakrowa Island, the Island of Dreams, exist? Where it is?
  19. What happened to God Valley disappearing from the map? Does it no longer exist or was it just deleted from the maps after the incident?
Total: 19
16- Elbaf
  1. How is Elbaf today?
  2. When the Straw Hats will be going there? (change of the question suggested by PillFencer on Reddit)
  3. Who is Prince Loki of Elbaf? How important will be, if Luffy arrives on the island, of the marriage he would have with Lola before she got lost in Thriller Bark.
  4. Oimo and Kashey, the former Impel Down guards were going there. Will we see them again?
  5. What is the giant tree in Elbaf? Yggdrasil?
  6. Will we have more information about the Giant Warrior Pirates?
Total: 6
17- Wano
  1. Is Wano really the country that Oars, the Continent-Puller, has combined with his own hands? More details about the country's past.
  2. What is the story of the giant skull in Onigashima?
  3. Who was on the boat that left Wano 20 years ago and went to East Blue?
  4. Who is the boy who steals from the rich. The Witching Hour Boy?
  5. The reason for the disagreement between Nekomamuchi and Inuarashi.
  6. What message did Marco give Nekomamush to speak to Luffy in Wano? When Nekomamushi appear on Wano?
  7. Oden's past and Lady Toki?
  8. Toki's powers and what year did she really came from?
  9. How did Orochi take Oden's place?
  10. What Orochi wants with Vegapunk and the consequences of his actions against CP0.
  11. Why does Hitetsu have wings?
  12. Will we see Kitetsu in flashback?
  13. Where is Shodai Kitetsu?
  14. Who is Danjirou?
  15. What is Kyoshiro's intention? Is he really Danjirou?
  16. What happened to Big Mom's sons in Wano?
  17. More details about the Mimawarigumi and Oniwabanshu.
  18. Will we see the other 2 Daimyos from the time of Oden? (3 Daimyos to just 2 suggested by PillFencer on Reddit)
  19. We will have more details about the production of S.A.D. and SMILES and how did they affect the citizens of Wano?
  20. What will Caribou do? Did he talk about Shirahoshi to Kaido?
  21. What are Appo's intentions when joining Kaido's pack?
  22. Who let Law escape from prison?
  23. Will Bebo and his friends meet Law?
  24. What is Kawamatsu?
  25. Will Kid appear with his crew again?
  26. What did he steal from Big Mom earlier to make her mad?
  27. What is the reason for Drake to ally with Kaido?
  28. Who will be the 9 samurais of prophecy? Is it really the Nine Red Scabbards or is there something else?
  29. What's in Poneglyph at Orochi Castle?
  30. What were the lined Kokeshi dolls Brook saw in Orochi's basement?
  31. Is there a traitor within the group? Who?
  32. Who cut Kaido? Really Oden?
  33. Who are the other Kaido Flying Six? 4 left.
  34. The Red Scabbards group, Hyogoro's Yakuza army, and the group in the port of Itachi. How these groups will meet to leave for Onigashima? (Wano's main plot today)
  35. What's the deal with the name of the village of Zoro, the last name of Ryuma, Ushimaru, Yusaboro and Yasuie all be Shimotsuki?
  36. Can O-Tama tame with her dango Zoan users?
  37. Who are the Numbers?
  38. What will the alliance of Kaido and Big Mom be like?
  39. What is the Golden Kagura in the Fire Festival?
  40. Who's gonna save the prisoners in Rasetsu Town?
  41. What Zoro did visiting Ryuma's grave?
  42. Will Luffy break the defense of Kaido with his Ryuuou?
  43. Where is it and what is Hyori doing?
  44. Who will use Ame-no-Habakiri? And who forged it?
  45. How will the Red Sheaths be able to gather more soldiers for war?
  46. Who is the ninja who appeared in the capital looking toward the prisoners?
  47. How will Zoro turn Enma into a Kokuto?
  48. Yusaboro Shimotsuki founded Shimotsuki Village in East Blue?
  49. What is Law up to?
  50. Will Franky's wish that 100,000 men use their ships to Onigashima be fulfilled?
  51. What is Wano's relationship with the Great Kingdom?
  52. Why does Wano have to keep borders closed?
  53. Why does Oden mention that he will wait exactly 20 years in the future?
  54. Why will Kyoshiro stay in the capital during the festivities?
  55. How did Orochi's army number go from 30,000 to 40,000?
  56. Where is the Onigashima invasion army that was supposed to meet at Tokage Harbor?
  57. How will Red Sheaths arrive in Onigashima?
  58. Does a full moon in Wano indicate a Sulong army of Minks?
  59. What incident occurred the night before?
Total: 59
Total: 264!
  1. Will Wano really have 5 acts? Based on the Kabuki structure.
  2. Who is the Lurking Legend that Oda said would appear in Wano? And the incident that will gather the Straw Hat squad is closer?
  4. Is the supposed "New Gear 4 form" unveiled at anime opening appear in the story?
  5. Who will defeat Kaido? (suggestion of BOBO_WITTILY_TWINKS on Reddit)
  6. What is the bounty of Douglas Bullet?
  7. Is the power to cast Jewelry Bonney doves on Stampede canon?
  8. Why did Roger arrive "too early" at Laugh Tale? (seen at Stampede)
Who is Noda Skywalker and will Pandaman become an important character?
29 Theories and scrapped questions:
  1. Arlong, Kuro and Don Krieg have chances to return?
  2. Will Ryogyoku and Fujitora oppose GM as mentioned in Momotaro's theory?
  3. Will Carrot betray the Mugiwaras? Because her Vivre Card has a different color than the other Mink. Or will be Kanjuro?
  4. There is an fourth All-Star? Apparently a silhouette appeared in an illustration from an OP magazine.
  5. Are there dragons or have there been?
  6. Does Donquixote's constant smile come from SMILE?
  7. By the end of the series, will we have any idea of ​​the total islands in the world of One Piece?
  8. Does the dragon tattoo seen on a member of the Shanks and an Okama have any meaning?
  9. Will any Straw Hats die until the end of the series?
  10. For those who ask: The "them" that Luffy and Zoro say Blackbeard may have been a problem of interpretation, since even Blackbeard having a double or triple personality, they could not recognize it at that time. But i put it here anyway...
  11. Makino daughter of Shanks. Yes there is this theory...
  12. If Whole Cake was Sanji's arc, Wano is supposed to be Zoro's, Elbaf would be Ussop's, will we have another arc before the end for Nami? Completing the top 5 (with Luffy having Laugh Tale to reveal his mysteries?)
  13. Next island is Elbaf and could maybe the island is protected by Shanks.
  14. Will we see the past of Borsalino and Sakazuki?
  15. Buggy. Will we see more of his past?
  16. Zeff's bounty. Does he have any mystery about his past?
  17. Ussop's role in Elbaf. Will he became the greatest warrior of all?
  18. This me being stubborn: Will the similarity between Kuina and Tashigi ever be explained, or is it just a coincidence, as it has been put on several occasions?
  19. Can Sarquiss, Pound, Monet, Vergo and Pedro be alive? Well, Vivre Card doesn't say much if they are. And we know how the OP is ...
  20. Where is the fifth leader of Yakuza, arrested in Udon? That was pointed out in the Library of Ohara, but i think the answer is Hyogoro.
  21. If there are multiple sky islands does that mean that there are multiple underwater ones as well? (Suggestion made by B1nKaTa on Reddit. Put it here because there is no evidence about this, but i thought it was interesting)
  22. What's the real name of Baby 5? (question answered by Tendo14 on Reddit, with a good, albeit unconfirmed, justification that this name was even given by his relatives)
  23. Will Tama, Carrot, and/or Hiyori permanently join the Straw Hats? (Suggestion made by Srdfgd45 on Reddit. I didn't put it on the main list because there is no evidence and I really don't think they will)
  24. Will Coby become an Admiral?
  25. Doesn't the Navy really go to Wano?
  26. Are the triplets Katakuri, Oven and Daifuku sons of Kaido?
  27. Will we look more closely at events like the God Valley Incident?
  28. Is Rocks really dead or still alive? What's his connection with Blackbeard?
  29. Will Luffy's bounty at the end of the series surpass Roger and reach his lucky number 56 (or 5.6 billion berries)?
Already answered since i begun to do this list:
  1. How did Kaido get the scar?
  2. What is the relationship of Gyukimaru and Kawamatsu?
  3. How will they acquire the necessary spears and swords for the whole army?
  4. Where's Apoo?
  5. Will Law talk about what the Mugiwaras are up to?
  6. Will Bebo and his friends save Law?
  7. What will happen in the fight between Kaido and Big Mom?
  8. What does the symbol of Yasuie mean?
  9. Will Zoro really return Shusui?
  10. Will Luffy find Law was captured? (suggestion made by OJ_TheJuiceman on Reddit. But Law already escaped the prison)
  11. Who is the person Hitetsu is waiting for? (maybe answered, because he meets with the Nine Red Scabbards)
  12. Where is Meitou Enma? And Ame no Habakiri? (Meitou Enma's changed to just Enma suggested by PillFencer on Reddit)
  13. Where is Nidai Kitetsu who was with Luffy?
  14. What Tsunagoro e Omasa doing in preparation for the Onigashima's invasion?
  15. What's Carrot doing?
  16. What will happen to the Shitchibukais now that their posts may be in danger?
  17. Where is Buggy currently?
  18. And Hancock? What will happen to her?
  19. What made X-Drake defect from the Marines? Is it something he saw/learned of? (suggestion of Rappy 28 on Reddit)
  20. What happened in Levely, which in the present day of Wano's arc, is already over?
  21. Garp's past and his relationship with Roger?
  22. What were the Rocks?
  23. Who founded them and who was in it?
  24. What Vegapunk created recently that will make the Shitchibukai system obsolete?
  25. Gol D. Roger's bounty (In the billions, according to Stampede)
  26. Big Mom's bounty
  27. Kaido's bounty
  28. Whitebeard's bounty
  29. What's the bounty (the biggest of all Yonkous, according to OP Magazine) from Shanks?
  30. What are the consequences of the news of the pirate alliance between Big Mom and Kaido?
  31. What is Oden's relationship with Shanks?
Total: 31
14 Contributors so far!
  1. B1nKaTa
  2. Maritimo0
  3. TessellatedCoil
  4. Qwardian
  5. HalimAziz87
  6. Rappy 28
  7. 10fingersmikey
  8. theslowspoke
  9. GabrielMichaelson
  10. PillFencer
  12. Tendo14
  13. Srdfgd45
  14. OJ_TheJuiceman
submitted by SamuraiMorcego to OnePiece [link] [comments]

Goro Majima: Character discussion and the significance of his tattoo

Get ready for a massive fucking wall of text built with my feels. I just finished Yakuza 0--so far, the only Yakuza game I've played--and promptly spoiled myself on the rest of Goro Majima's anti-hero arc throughout the series due to a combination of a quarantine situation and my unhealthy obsession with his lore, which I'm purging by writing this. While somewhat inconsistently written over the years, his transformation between Y0 and Y1/Kiwami 1 and ensuing characterization carries undiscussed literary depth within the context of details like his tattoo. It goes without saying that spoilers follow in the discussion, though I've blacked out some character reveals or deaths in the main post.
Biography/Character Development As series fans are aware, at some point between the end of Yakuza 0 (1988) and the start of the first Yakuza game/Yakuza Kiwami (1995/2005), our favorite one-eyed boi's personality does a 180 from a calm, collected gentleman to the Joker counterpart to Kiryu's Batman--at least, from the point of view of someone who started with Yakuza 0. Hell, Mark Hamill even voiced him in the English dub.
Fan discussion varies on whether Majima's crazy side (shown in most of the series and around the other yakuza post-Y0, and particularly in Kiwami 1) is an exaggerated defense mechanism for him to operate efficiently in the yakuza underworld, if his sane side (shown around civilians and occasionally Kiryu/Saejima, particularly in Y0 when he's imprisoned in his 'gilded cage' in Sotenbori) is a repressed/depressed act, or if both represent him accurately (à la Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde) and he's not acting. The only consistencies in his character seem to be his loyalty and his respect for people who display courage, honor, and independence. Out-of-universe, he debuted as an insane character who was later given backstory and depth; in-universe/in-game, chronologically, his seemingly gentle nature gives way to a maniac with touches of sanity. It is worth noting that the lead English translator for the game, Scott Strichart, has said that Majima "makes a conscious choice to... let loose," though this is never alluded to in-game.
To recount the rest of Majima's history: 1985 - We are unaware of how he acted pre-Yakuza 0, but know that he endured a year of isolated torture for insubordination to his superiors out of concern for his oath brother. 1988 - Yakuza 0 takes place. Even in Y0, Majima acts a little crazy at times in karaoke and in his Breaker Style, more so than Kiryu would. Additionally, during Y0, we see the loss of people he admires or who died to defend him, including Lee, Awano, Sagawa, and especially Nishitani--all of who contribute to his later personality. His wild persona is partially inspired by how he's treated while he's acting like a gentleman, including him being used by Sagawa and Shimano throughout the game--hence the 'dog' part of his 'mad dog' title--and giving up Makoto so she can have a happy life, both of which could have their own textposts. 1992 - As revealed in Yakuza 5 in 2012 anecdotally by his pop idol/superstar ex-wife Mirei Park: sometime between Y0 and Y1/Kiwami 1, he goes through an ill-fated marriage at 28 with a then-18-year-old, hits her after finding out she aborted their child without telling him, and divorces her in part to save her career. 2005 - The original Yakuza game/Kiwami 1 takes place. Majima stalks Kiryu every chance he gets. 2006 - After the events of Kiwami 2, Majima also temporarily leaves the yakuza to begin a construction company--a venture that recalls his business acumen and many dualities (civilian/criminal, destruction/construction, and the ultimate duality of the Yakuza series itself: strategic management minigame set against a lighthearted story/cartoonishly violent beat-em-up set against a serious story). (Majima continues to show up in future Yakuza games, but I haven't seen any character development easter eggs in his reactions to major game events like his oath brother Saejima being released from prison. Every biographer is biased, though--I believe I've underplayed Saejima's role in Majima's motivations simply because I've only played Y0, a game in which Saejima was barely mentioned. See character analysis by Scott Strichart in an AMA here) (contains major Y5 spoilers).
I argue that Majima's tattoo, which existed pre-1985, foretells his arc and represents the conscious dualities of his nature.
The Tattoo Concept art of Majima's tattoo Y0 Majima wearing the tattoo on his front Y0 Majima wearing the tattoo on his back
Every Yakuza (game) character's tattoo has an animal or figure that symbolizes them to some extent, but I believe Majima's has a deeper connection to his story arc as opposed to just his personality. (The same could be argued for Nishikiyama's koi in relation to Kiryu's dragon and Japanese folklore, or how four of the protagonists' tattoos from later games represent the four Eastern Guardians, but those are their own walls of text.)
According to the Yakuza fandom wiki (emphasis mine):
[Majima's tattoo] covers his biceps, upper chest, and stretches from his neck to the back of his thighs. It consists of a floral motif (similar to Shimano's), with a Hannya on his back, and twin snakes wrapped around his arms and chest.
I'm going to analyze Majima's tattoo in two parts: the symbology of the twin snakes in relation to his arc and the symbology of the Hannya.
Snakes - Analysis Why the snake, of all animals, to represent Majima? Why not the dog, given that his nickname is 'The Mad Dog of Shimano'? While Majima matches the energy and loyalty of a dog, a dog would represent only the acted, artificial facets of his personality: him being 'leashed' in Sotenbori or 'barking' at thugs. Even this nickname is a red herring; if he were called 'The Serpent of Shimano,' that'd ruin the point of his entire façade(s). The serpent, in addition to a plethora of more specific cultural and historical symbologies associated with it, is hidden, agile, flexible, cunning, and deadly. This suits both of Majima's personalities more completely--even as his 'Lord of the Night' persona, in his Y0 introduction, he uses calculated, indirect methods to deal with a disruptive customer as the manager of The Grand. (In my opinion, all of the Youtube video clips of this introduction leave out the best part: the end of the night, when the player controlling him returns to a tiny, bare apartment on the trashy side of town after having just made 100 million yen managing his lavish cabaret, and collapses sleeplessly on a bare mat on the floor for another night of PTSD flashbacks.) In battle, especially in Y1/Kiwami onwards, Majima's style is quick and knife-like, relying on his speed and agility rather than brute physical force. We also see in multiple cutscenes, especially in Y0 (if you don't already believe he's acting most of the time either way), that he's capable of deception and guarding secrets when needed.
This begs the second question--why twin snakes? As you can see in the concept art linked above, one of the snakes--the one prominently displayed on his chest--has its mouth open as if to strike, whereas the other--less visible and hanging off his shoulder--does not. They may represent the series' recurring theme of the Yakuza way of life being a dichotomy between criminality and civility. The snake alone represents the infinite cycle of death and rebirth in the classic symbol of the ouroboros, where it eats its own tail, and also has been portrayed for the dual contrasts of medicine/poison and good/evil. Whenever Majima embodies one of his personas, he 'sheds' the skin of the other, because much like pedestrian life (blood/married family, legitimate business, honesty, civility, tuxedo used for work, and long hair tied back) and Yakuza life (crime/sworn family, illicit business, manipulation, violence, snakeskin jacket that he chose, and loose short hair), the two are incompatible. His eyes are also symbolic in this way: one eye sees normally, while the other is mutilated and covered with a black eyepatch. This duality is displayed in Majima's many "snake skins," for (minor Kiwami 1 spoilers ahead) Majima is neither female (Goromi), lawful (Officer Majima), dead (Zombie Majima), a beloved celebrity (in-universe, anyway--Everyone's Idol Goro), nor a domestic service worker (at least in Kiwami 1--Taxi Driver Majima). We'll cover his last persona, Hannya-man, in the next section. The reason for Majima's duality existing is that psychologically, Majima needs both in order to be healthy and true to what he is: he needs to ground himself on occasion so he doesn't totally fly off the handle, and inversely, he needs to let his 'crazy' out in order to stay sane.
Hannya - Analysis According to the Wikipedia article for Hannya:
The Hannya mask is said to be demonic and dangerous but also sorrowful and tormented, displaying the complexity of human emotions. When the actor looks straight ahead, the mask appears frightening and angry; when tilted slightly down, the face of the demon appears to be sorrowful, as though crying.
The original Japanese legend of the Hannya tells the story of a jealous, hideous she-demon-slash-beautiful woman twisted by betrayal. The 'frightening' side of the Hannya is Majima's crazy side that he shows in battle and when dealing with other yakuza, whereas the 'sorrowful' side is Majima's life outside of the yakuza. In real-world Japanese culture, the face of the Hannya is a mask used in kabuki theatre; Majima is wearing a mask at all times (both figuratively, and also on the tattoo on his back). There is no one in the world whom Majima can show both his sensitive/caring side without being hurt or manipulated, and his bloodthirsty/criminal side (he joined the yakuza of his own free will multiple times and seems to enjoy the thrill of a fight) without being feared or putting others in danger, to except for possibly the powerful but righteous and emotionally-balanced Kiryu, which helps explain why Majima's so drawn to him.
We now focus our attention on Hannya-man, one of Majima's masks that he literally wears in a battle against Kiryu. In Kiwami 1, the main reason he fights Kiryu, despite threatening to kill him, is conversely to make Kiryu stronger after Kiryu gets out of ten years of prison. At the end of Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 2 (this entire section is gonna be one big spoiler about Majima's personal life through Yakuza Kiwami 2 and Yakuza 5 - I wouldn't click past the next spoiler if you haven't played Kiwami 2), Majima goes out of his way to avoid revealing who he is to Makoto in-person, even though he loves her; his ignorance of her in order to shield her from the yakuza life is his greatest act of love. It's interesting how much Makoto and Mirei compare and contrast in their personalities and relationship with Majima. This addresses the question of why the Hannya mask appears "sorrowful, as though crying" from a different angle. Majima never fully got over Makoto, the only character who understood what his year of torture and losing an eye was like; when Makoto gives him a massage and some closure by chance at the end of Kiwami 2 after she reveals that she ended up having a son with the doctor who saved her, Majima mutters to himself that by thanking him and telling him that she's been happy, she's untied some loose knots he's had "for 18 years." He's kept count of this in his head. The game executes the 'show-not-tell' rule of storytelling masterfully here--Majima never directly shows her nor tells anyone that he's in love with her. We only get this impression by his body language, actions, and dialogue from other characters like Shimano. Majima doesn't discuss his civilian life, at least in-game. We wouldn't even know about (major Y5 spoiler) his failed marriage and dead baby from 1992 if it weren't for another character's dialogue in Yakuza 5. For all we know, Majima could really want to become a father, but can't--in addition to his actions (again, Y5) towards Mirei upon finding out what she did, he displays fatherly instincts multiple times during Y0's civilian substories/hostess training, especially towards Yuki, and throwaway lines of dialogue during those trainings indicate he's not completely averse to having a kid. Unlike the Hannya in her jealous fury, Majima accepts that he would never receive a 'happy ending' from his relationship with Makoto, only a bittersweet one. Yes, that was a symbolic massage pun. His civilian life is, in some ways, ironically more tragic than his yakuza one.
To conclude, Majima's tattoos tell their own lore--that of the multiple dualities of his story and character arc.
I'll wrap up with a quote from Kurt Vonnegut, a 20th century writer who turned to the absurd to sculpt the effects of PTSD:
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
Additional miscellaneous credit for this writeup goes to commenters on Youtube, Tumblr, Reddit, and various gaming forums.
submitted by greyest to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

I did a list with all the mysteries i could find in One Piece. The total number: 211!

Hey guys,
I have this obsession with the mysteries that Oda left in One Piece. I read weekly the manga since 2007 and really love the series and reread a lot (i even have a YouTube channel dedicated to it).
So, i did a list reuniting all the mysteries, loose ends and questions without answers that we have in the story up until now. I read through all the manga multiple times, read the SBS, read most of the wiki articles, read Library of Ohara posts (including the Vivre Card ones) and look of other people's lists to see if i missed anything.
If you see anything that you think is wrong or other mystery that i forgot to mention, comment right below. I want to constant update this list as the series goes on and see what questions will be answered in the manga or in another way (like Vivre Cards, etc).
I also separeted the list in 17 categories, so it is easier to read and find the topic.
So, here we go, 211 mysteries! I hope you guys like it :)
1 Main Mysteries
What is the One Piece? What is and where is the island of Raftel (or Laugh Tale. And i will call it this way for now on)? Who were the D., the supposed enemies of the gods? What does D. mean? What is the Will of the D? What is the connection between their smile and Laugh Tale? Where's the Lost Red Poneglyph? What is the Voice of All Things? Is it related to Observation Haki? What was the Great Kingdom? What happened in the Great War? What happened in the Void Century? How are Devil Fruits made? Why do they prevent the user from swimming? Has anyone created them? Who are the Sea Devils? Where is the All Blue? What is the origin of Haki? The relationship of Ryuuou, Mantra and other forms of Haki presented in different regions of the world. What are and the purpose of the Ancient Weapons? And where is Uranus? Who was Joy Boy? How would Noah be used?
Total: 21
2- Tenryuubitos and the WG
What are the names and details of the Tenryuubitos families? Who is Im? And what light did he decide to eliminate and speak to the Gorousei in Levely? It's Vivi? What are the names and powers of the Gorousei? What is the Mariejois National Treasure? Is there anything to do with the frozen straw hat Im visited? What is the importance of straw hats? Will GM clear a part of history again? As it did with the Void Century. Why did the Nefertari family decide to stay out of Mariejois? Lucci's story upon entering CP0. This topic also includes what is the new powers and abilities of Rob Lucci post TS. Will we see the current look of all the old CP9 in the CP0? Who are the CP0 members with masks? What is Stussy's identity and age?
Total: 13
3- The Straw Hat Pirates
Who is Luffy's mother? How will Luffy be the cause of a new age? As many characters cite. Will Luffy really cause the end of Fishman Island? What will be the Awakening of his Devil Fruit? Does Luffy really have the power to hear The Voice of All Things? As seen with Zunisha. Will we see Nami's parents and was she really born in the Oykot kingdom? Will we see more of Zoro's past and who are his parents? Story behind Zoro's scar and can he open the other eye again? What is the origin and will we see a new version of Zoro's Ashura skill? Will Laboon find Brook again? When will the Straw Hat (and Bellamy) fleet be summoned by Luffy? What is the consequence of Bartolomeo's Straw Hat fleet having burned the Shanks flag on an island in the cover series? What is written on the two normal Poneglyphs that Big Mom had?
Total: 13
4- Gol D. Roger
What was Gol D. Roger's powers? Why didn't Roger tell the world about the Lost Century and what was in Laugh Tale? What was Roger's disease? Where are Scooper and Seagul, former crew members of Roger? What was the egg in Oro Jackson? Garp's past and his relationship with Dragon and Roger.
Total: 6
5- Yonkous
What were the Rocks? Who founded them and who was in it? How did Shakky and Rayleigh meet? How did Big Mom get the power of Carmel? Is Napoleon really a homie or is there something else? What debt does Kaido owe Big Mom? What is Kaido's past? Does his endurance and immortality come from his fruit or is there something else? What is King? Are All-Stars really brothers? Will we see more of Whitebeard's past and the importance of the island where he was born? It was unclear how he got the other two scars on his chest. Will we see this? Will we see the origin of his title of "The Strongest Man in the World"? Did Ace have the Observation Haki? (Not specified on Vivre Card) The current situation of Jozu, Oars Jr and other Whitebeard's pirates. It is not known if they are alive. Why is Aokiji affiliated with Blackbeard today? What is Blackbeard's past? How was he able to absorb two Devil Fruits and why does Marco say his body is different? Does Laffite have an Devil Fruit? Who is the captain of the Tenth Blackbeard Fleet? What is the power of members like Van Augur, Avalo Pizaro, Vasco Shot and Doq Q? Will Gecko Moria team up with Blackbeard? When will the war take place to conquer the Pirate King's throne among the yonkous?
Total: 23
6- Shanks
What is the power of Shanks? What was Shanks talking to the Gorousei? What is the origin of his relationship with the Gorousei and if there is anything else he went to deal with in Mariejois? Why did Shanks and Buggy never want to go after One Piece? Past him with Mihawk. What has happened between Vista and Yassop in the past? Whose wedding was Shanks attending on one of the cover series?
Total: 7
7- Admirals
Will we have a look at Fujitora's past and how did he blind himself? Who is Ryokugyu? How can he not eat for 3 years? What did Garp do for Aokiji to have a debt with him?
Total: 4
8- Shichibukais
Is Weevil really a son of Whitebeard? What's his past? What is Mihawk's past? Who was Bartholomew Kuma and why was he considered a Tyrant? Why did he become the model for the Pacifistas? What will happen to the Shitchibukais now that their posts may be in danger? What happened in the Rocky Port incident that made Law become a Shitchibukai? Coby was there too. Gecko Moria's past and the reason for his scar on his body. Where is Buggy currently? And Hancock? What will happen to her?
Total: 9
9- Vegapunk
Who is Vegapunk? His face, personality and past. What did he create recently that will make the Shitchibukai system obsolete? What is the past between Vegapunk, Sanji's father and Ceasar as scientists? What is the technique for Devil Fruits to be eaten by objects? Is he the doctor Oda said will explain the mechanisms of how Devil Fruits work at some point in the story?
Total: 5
10- Supernovas
What is Jewelry Bonney's relationship with Kuma and Ace? What is her motivation for her actions? What is her true age? Where is Urougue? What will happen with Beige and his crew in the current cover series? What's the name of Devil Fruit's Kid? (I put him for being the most relevant, but of several other Supernovas we don't have the name yet either, such as Jewelry Bonney)
Total: 5
11- Revolutionaries
What is the power of Monkey D. Dragon? Why did he leave Goa and found the Revolutionaries? What is the mystery of his past that your Vivre Card cites? Does Koala have any kind of Haki?
Total: 4
12- Other Characters
Will Enel go back to the story? What is the secret Ivankov keeps from Crocodile? What is the name and members of his new group? Crocodile have any Haki? What is Reiju's Devil Fruit (if she has one. Said in an OP Magazine)? Will we see Bon Kurei (Bentham) again? What's the real name of Baby 5? The figure who was having a drink with Crocus on a cover series, was someone we knew or a new character? Will Ceasar be back? Will Kobi and Luffy meet again? Where did Perona go? What happened to Jinbe, the Sun Pirates, the Vinsmokes and Pekoms after the end of Whole Cake? What are Smoker and Tashigi doing? And Sentoumaru?
Total: 14
13- Haoshoku Haki
Who was not specified in Vivre Cards and could or not have (based on the articles of Library of Ohara): Sakazuki. Borsalino. Jinbe. Blackbeard. Garp.
Total: 5
14- Unknown Bounties
Gol D. Roger. Rayliegh and all Gol D. Roger's crew. All Blackbeard Commanders. Big Mom. Kaido. Whitebeard and all of its Commanders (except Ace, of course). The suppoused biggest bounty of all Yonkous, Shanks. All the rewards of his group too. Dragon. Mihawk. Koala. 4 Revolutionary Commanders. Ivankov. Inazuma. Crocodile. Zeff. Alladin. Vinsmokes.
Total: 18
15- The World of One Piece
Who are the 5 Western Families? What is the reason behind the construction of the bridge in Tequila Wolf? Who was the doctor who could cure all diseases? Will we see more of the story behind Birka, the ruins on the moon, and why does it bear the same name as Enel's hometown? Who is Dory and Broguy's Blood Snake? Just the Red Line? Is the Red Line artificial? What are those shadowy figures at the end of Thriller Bark? Why and who ordered Zunisha to be cursed to walk eternally? What is the origin of the Davy Back Fight game? Did it really come from Beehive Island? What is Captain John's legendary treasure? More details about the tribe of the 3 eyes. What are the three races Big Mom doesn't have in her collection yet? Will we ever know what the globe that Bege found and the lightning-rain island that Uroughe found, among other crazy New World islands other characters have come across? By the end of the manga we will be aware of all 50 Ryo Wazamono, 21 The Wazamono and especially the 12 Saijo The Wazamono? Who created the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia?
Total: 15
16- Elbaf
How is Elbaf today? Are the Straw Hats going there? Who is Prince Loki of Elbaf? How important will be (if Luffy arrives on the island) the marriage he would have with Lola before she got lost in Thriller Bark. Oimo and Kashey, the former Impel Down guards were going there. Will we see them again? What is the giant tree in Elbaf? Yggdrasil? Will we have more information about the Giant Warrior Pirates?
Total: 6
17- Wano
Is Wano really the country that Oars, the Continent-Puller, has combined with his own hands? More details about the country's past. What is the story of the giant skull in Onigashima? Who was on the boat that left Wano 20 years ago and went to East Blue? Who is the boy who steals from the rich. The Witching Hour Boy? The reason for the disagreement between Nekomamuchi and Inuarashi. Oden's past and Lady Toki? Toki's powers and what year did she really came from? How did Orochi take Oden's place? What Orochi wants with Vegapunk and the consequences of his actions against CP0. Who is the person Hitetsu is waiting for? Why does Hitetsu have wings? Will we see Kitetsu in flashback? Where is Shodai Kitetsu? Who is Danjirou? What is Kyoshiro's intention? Is he really Danjirou? What happened to Big Mom's sons in Wano? More details about the Mimawarigumi and Oniwabanshu. Will we see the other 3 Daimyos from the time of Oden? We will have more details about the production of S.A.D. and SMILES and how did they affect the citizens of Wano? What will Caribou do? Did he talk about Shirahoshi to Kaido? Where is Appo? Will Law talk about what the Mugiwaras are up to? Will Bebo and his friends save Law? What will happen in the fight between Kaido and Big Mom? What is Kawamatsu? Will Kid appear with his crew again? What did he steal from Big Mom earlier to make her mad? What is the reason for Drake to ally with Kaido? Who will be the 9 samurais of prophecy? Is it really the Nine Red Scabbards or is there something else? What's in Poneglyph at Orochi Castle? What were the lined Kokeshi dolls Brook saw in Orochi's basement? What does the symbol of Yasuie mean? Is there a traitor within the group? Who? Will Zoro really return Shusui? Where is Meitou Enma? Who used it to cut Kaido? Really Oden? Who are the other Kaido Flying Six? 4 left. Where is Nidai Kitetsu who was with Luffy? Kinemon group, Raizou group, Kanjuro and Udon group. How will the three groups and their armies gather to leave for Onigashima? (The main plot of Wano's second act nowadays) What's the deal with the name of the village of Zoro, the last name of Ryuma, Ushimaru and Yasuie all be Shimotsuki? What happened in Levely, which in the present day of Wano's arc, is already over? Can O-Tama tame with her dango Zoan users? Where is the fifth leader of Yakuza, arrested in Udon?
Total: 43
Total: 211!
Will Wano really have 5 acts? Based on the Kabuki structure. Who is the Lurking Legend that Oda said would appear in Wano? (KINDA SPOILER OF THE ANIME IN THE NEXT ONE, I DON'T KNOW. MAYBE) Is the supposed new Gear 4 form unveiled at the anime opening appear in the manga?
Who is Noda Skywalker and will Pandaman become an important character? ... JUST JOKING!
I also have scrapped questions that i don't think it was worth it to put in the main list. It has some theories that i read and is based in mixed things that are and aren't really in the manga. So check it out!
19 Theories and Scrapped Questions:
Kuro and Don Krieg have chances to return? Will Ryogyoku and Fujitora oppose GM as mentioned in Momotaro's theory? Will Carrot betray the Mugiwaras? Because her Vivre Card has a different color than the other Mink. There is a fourth All-Star? Apparently a silhouette appeared in an illustration from an OP magazine. Are there dragons or have there been? Does Donquixote's constant smile come from SMILE? By the end of the series, will we have any idea of ​​the total islands in the world of One Piece? Does the dragon tattoo seen on a member of the Shanks and an Okama have any meaning? Will any Straw Hats die until the end of the series? Makino is the daughter of Shanks. Yes there is this theory... I just put here because i though it's funny, honestly. If Whole Cake was Sanji's arc, Wano is supposed to be Zoro's, Elbaf would be Ussop's, will we have another arc before the end for Nami? Completing the top 5 (with Luffy having Laugh Tale to reveal his mysteries?) Next island is Elbaf and could maybe the island is protected by Shanks. Will we see the past of Borsalino and Sakazuki?
This me being stubborn: Will the similarity between Kuina and Tashigi ever be explained, or is it just a coincidence, as it has been put on several occasions? Can Sarquiss, Pound, Monet, Vergo and Pedro be alive? Well, Vivre Card doesn't say much if they are. And we know how OP is about killing characters ...
For those who ask: The "them" that Luffy and Zoro say Blackbeard in Jaya may have been a problem of interpretation, since even Blackbeard having a double or triple personality, they could not recognize it at that time. But i put it here anyway... Buggy. Will we see more of his past? Zeff's reward. Does he have any mystery about his past? Ussop's role in Elbaf. Will he became the greatest warrior of all???
That's pretty much it. Thank you for reading up until now!
Like i said, i want this list to be constant updated. I don't know how is the better way to do it. If a shared list, or something. You guys let me know if you are interested in it.
And to finish, i already mention my YouTube channel. If anyone here knows portuguese and want to check it out, here you go: youtube.com/SamuraiMorcego I also made a video about this list. It's a little dated because it didn't have some of the new mysteries. I made it two weeks ago. But check it out if you have interest to look some visual evidencies of most of the mysteries that i put on the list: https://youtu.be/C1J4pWH5bwI
So that's it. Thanks for reading!
submitted by SamuraiMorcego to OnePiece [link] [comments]

How do we feel about the new tattoo?

How do we feel about the new tattoo? submitted by gameovernate to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Majima means “real island” - the meaning of Yakuza characters’ names

Hi fellow Yakuza players!

So I don’t know if this has been posted before; I thought it’d be interesting to offer an analysis of what each character’s name means in Japanese. Obviously I can't do that for all characters, so I only included some of my favorites. If you guys want to know the meaning of other characters, like Kuze, whom I regrettably left out, leave it in the comments and I'll do my best!

P.S. I'm pretty bad at formatting so please excuse me for my horrible text presentation. Also, I'm not a native English speaker so grammar mistakes might be all too common lol.
P.P.S. for each character name I present all three forms of how it's written = in English, in Kana (the Japanese alphabet, essentially), and in Kanji.

Start with my favorite character Majima Goro/まじまごろう/真島吾郎
Ma(ま、真)means “real, authentic, true”.
Jima(じま、島)means “island”.
So “Majima” (まじま、真島)literally means “real island”.
Go (ご、吾)is an archaic pronoun in Chinese and Japanese meaning “I”. Think of it as the equivalent for “thou” meaning “you”.
Ro (ろう、郎)has quite a number of meanings depending on context. Its meaning includes “husband, lover”, “son”, or a sort of general suffix denoting a particular profession, usually for males. (think of “mailman”, “policeman”, errand-boy”, etc.). Therefore it’s not hard to see why “Ro” is one of the most common characters used in Japanese names for males. In the game we also have Kazama Shintaro.

Now, our protagonist, Kiryu Kazuma/きりゅかずま/桐生一馬
Ki(き、桐)is a general term for paulownia plants/trees.
Ryu(りゅ、生)is one of those characters that has a vast array of meaning. The most common meanings are “born”, “raw”, and “life”. It’s also a word play by the developers since “Ryu” can also be written as an entirely different kanji, “龍”, meaning dragon, hence Dragon of Dojima.(堂島の龍、どうじまのりゅ = Doujima no Ryu)
For comparison, Goda Ryuji is written as 郷田龍司, where his “Ryu” is directly rendered as “龍”, meaning dragon, hence his nickname “The Dragon of Kansai”(関西の龍 = Kansai no Ryu).
Kazuma(かずま、一馬)literally translates as “one horse”. “一” means one and “馬” means horse. Note there’re lots of other characters in manga & TV & anime called “Kazuma” but the kanji rendition is completely different.

Next, Kiryu’s blood brother, Nishikiyama Akira/にしきやまあきら/錦山彰
Nishiki (にしき、錦)means “prosperous”, “lively”, “brilliant”. But in the game it almost certainly refers a kind of fish, koi, colored (which ties back to the sense of “lively” and “brilliant”) varieties of the Amur carp. In Japanese the full name for this fish is “Nishikigoi”(にしきごい、錦鯉), and the tattoo on Nishikiyama’s back is none other than this fish. This fish features quite prominently in Chinese and Japanese culture. If you’ve played Sekiro, in late game there’s a giant carp that can one-shot you; there’ are two NPCs who exchange valuable items & skills with you using carp scales as the medium of exchange.
In Chinese and Japanese folklore there’s a saying (rough translation): the koi/carp jumps through the dragon gate. In Kiwami this is directly mentioned by one of the characters (the tattoo master I think?) as symbolizing Nishiki’s (the koi) burning desire to surpass Kiryu (the dragon) as “the man”. In everyday conversation this proverb is used to refer to situations where someone just got promoted into a high level position, a student who just got accepted by a prestigious university, and so on.
Yama(やま、山)means “mountain”. It’s one of the most common characters in Japanese names. In games we have Sayama Kaoru, Akiyama Shun, just to name two.

Side note: in case you haven’t noticed, Japan being a mountainous country surrounded by over 6,000 small islands & islets, it’s not a coincidence that words like “mountain”(yama, やま、山 – Nishikiyama, Akiyama, Sayama)and “island” (jima, じま、島 – Majima, Saejima, Dojima) – are so frequent in people’s names.

Akira(あきら、彰)is an abstract term meaning “bright”, “light”, and so forth.

Next up, Kiwami 2’s big bad, Goda Ryuji/ごうだりゅじ/郷田龍司
Go(ごう、郷)means countryside.
Da(だ、田)means field, farmland, etc.
Ryu(りゅ、龍)means dragon.
Ji(じ、司)is a curious one. The character itself has many meanings, the most common of which is “commander”, or more grandiosely “generalissimo”.
So Goda Ryuji would literally translate as “a dragon commander in a countryside farmland”. Which is … pretty funny if you think about it.

Let’s take a look at Dojima Daigo/どうじまだいご/堂島大吾
So the surname, Dojima, consists of two letters:
Do (or more properly Dou or Dō)(どう、堂)means “hall”, “charter”; but it also connotes a sense of “expansive”, “spacious”.
Jima, as I’m sure you know it by now, means island.
Daigo(だいご、大吾)is rather curious one. Dai(大)means big and Go(ごう、吾)is the same character as Majima Goro’s “Go”, so it also means “I”. So … essentially Daigo means “Big I”.

Next up is Nishitani Homare/にしたにほまれ/西谷誉
Nishi(にし、西), means “west”. Don’t confuse this character with Nishiki, though both contain the element “Nishi”, they are completely different words.
Tani(たに、谷), means “valley”. Pretty common character in Japanese names. If you played Judgment, the lawyer Yagami worked with in Chapter 1 is called Shintani, which in Japanese is written as しんたに/新谷, meaning “new valley”.
Homare(ほまれ、誉) means “honor”, “acclamation”, “praise”. Nothing ambiguous here.

Kiryu’s love interest in Y2, Sayama Kaoru(さやまかおる、狭山薫)
Sa(さ、狭)means “narrow”. Very common word in Japanese.
Yama(やま、山), like I mentioned, means “mountain”. Same character as Nishikiyama and Akiyama's "yama".
Kaoru(かおる、薫)means “fragrance”, “sweet-smelling grass”, and “tonka beans” (no idea what this is ...). It’s a generic term for something that smells nice, hence it being quite commonly used in females’ names.

Next, Kiryu’s surrogate daughter, Haruka(はるか、遥).
Haruka simply means “distant, remote”. Her surname is Sawamura(さわむら、澤村), in which Sawa means “damp”, “moist”, or more poetically, “where waters converge”. This “Sawa” also appears in Y0’s final boss for Kiryu, Shibusawa. “Mura” means “village” and is one of the most common character in people’s names. Think of it as the equivalent for the German and English suffix “berg” and “burg” in people’s names (Mark Zuckerberg for instance).

Now come to the final two, the first one being Akiyama Shun(あきやましゅん、秋山駿)
Aki(あき、秋) means “autumn”. The famous Akihabara(秋葉原) district in Tokyo starts with the same character, "Aki" and means "a field/prairie of autumn leaves"; a northwestern region in Japan is called Akita(秋田), meaning "a rice field in the autumn".
Yama(やま、山)… you should all know this by now? It means mountain.
So Akiyama literally means “mountain in the autumn”.
Shun(しゅん、駿)means “spirited horse” or “an extremely talented person”.

The next one is also a fan favorite, Saejima Taiga(さえじまたいが、冴島大河)
Sae(さえ、冴)means “cold”, “freezing”.
Jima(じま、島)means “island”.
Tai(たい、大)means “big”. This is actually the same character as Dojima Daigo’s “Dai”, meaning “big”; in Japanese it’s quite common for the same character to be pronounced a bit differently depending various factors. That’s why, for instance, even though it’s written as Toyota and Honda, the “ta” and “da” are actually the same Kanji character, “田”, meaning “rice field”. Also, the character “川” is the “Kawa” part in the Japanese motorcycle maker Kawasaki, but is pronounced as “Gawa” for Sagawa, Majima’s “handler” in Y0.
Ga(が、河)means “river”. So Taiga essentially means “Big River”.
So Saejima Taiga's name simply means "freezing island, big river".

Finally, if I can just bother you guys a bit longer, one interesting tidbit about Japanese pronunciation. Japanese is notoriously difficult as a single Kanji can be pronounced in so many ways. For instance, the character “真”, which appears in Majima(島) as “Ma”, also appears as “Makoto” in Date Makoto(伊達), and (!) also in Tanaka Shinji as “Shin”(田中司). In Chinese this character is pronounced as “Zhen” (similar to Shinji’s “Shin”), and that’s it.

So, that’s about it guys! Like I said if you guys have any question about the meaning of other characters’ names, feel free to ask in the comments!
submitted by Mao1435 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

858 Review + Huge Confusions Cleared Up (Still Speculation for the Most Part)

Roger Pirates & Oden Flashback

Mangastream Jaimini's Box
https://i.imgur.com/AUePbwW.png https://i.imgur.com/lqTGdjm.png
Jaimini says: "We shall see the fruition of this 20 year old dream"... "25 years later... being the Present".
If we just take this timing, we can build up a chronology:
  1. 25 years ago is when Roger became Pirate King ⁸⁰¹.
  2. 24 years ago is when Roger died.
  3. 23 years ago is when Kaido and Moriah fought, but we don't know exactly when Kaido started making moves in Wano ⁹⁰⁹.
  4. Between 23-20 years, Orochi and Kaido formed an alliance secretly before doing the dirty deed. It seems Orochi and Kaido have been building up their plan for 3 years at least (unless Kaido came into Wano further back than 23 years ago).
20 years ago is when Kaido and Orochi finally killed Oden. This is when they got sent into the future. This is essentially 5 years after this Roger flashback.
The 20 year dream is talking about how long Oden has been trying to open up the borders of Wano.
At the age of 19, we know Oden strode into Kuri, defeated the strongest criminal there and then put them all to work by building farms, towns and different amenities ⁹²⁰. He transformed Kuri from a criminal slum to an actual productive region, thus becoming the Daimyo of Kuri at the young age of 20. He was also known to say "this place is too cramped" gesturing towards his ambition to open up the borders.
If Oden's ambition started at the age of 19, then Oden was 39 years old in this flashback; Oden died 5 years later being 20 years ago, thus he would have died at the age of 44. If Oden was still alive, he'd be 64.
For detailed chronology on Roger's activities: https://www.reddit.com/OnePiece/comments/778xah/gol_d_rogers_activities_in_chronology/

Chapter 858 Review

Just to summarise, we have just seen that the festival has begun; the Shogun has embarked to Onigashima; there's a celebration at the capital; the ban on alcohol has been uplifted. While all this is happening, we learn that:
  1. The meeting point at Port Tokage has been ransacked.
  2. None of the 4,000 recruits are there.
  3. Hyogoro, the Minks, the SHs and pretty much all but 7/9 sheathes are present.
Things look dire. However, in order to understand this chapter in my opinion, we have to go way back to the beginning to even begin to get a good idea of what's going on.
First, I'll be addressing:
  1. The Leak as it's the source for the entire problem the alliance is facing and has been facing. It's the root of the problem.
  2. Why Kyoshiro is Denjiro and relational dynamics with Hiyori and the Scabbards.
  3. Law
  4. And then finally, an assessment of this chapter in consideration of the above points.

The Puzzle and the Leak

The important thing to understand is how did Kinemon develop his plan, and from that, we're able to find the flaws in the plan. This panel shows how the plan was formulated:
  1. First, we must understand that Kinemon and co. appear 20 years from the past into the future.
  2. They have lost all orientation of Wano.
  3. They see the changes that have taken place.
  4. They get approached by Jibuemon.
  5. Jibuemon indicates that all allies of the Kozuki who were ready to fight 20 years ago got marked with ankle tattoos in the shape of crescents.
What we need to have in mind is Kinemon NEVER knew about the crescent ankle meaning most people do not know about it. These ankles didn't become a thing until the Kozuki clan were supposedly wiped out. For 20 years, people have been walking around Wano with these tattoos.
What does this mean? It means Orochi and the entirety of Wano probably never knew anything about these tattoos or its significance.
THIS is why Kinemon decided to make leaflet puzzles with this crescent tattoo. No one could know what it meant unless:
  1. They had the tattoo meaning they knew what the tattoo symbolised.
  2. Or were informed about the tattoo e.g. people like Kinemon without the tattoo who were informed of its symbolism such as the alliance outside of those wearing the crescent; in other words, anyone in the alliance.
The plan is in essence a solid one IF all those bearing the tattoo are actual allies.
As the subtitle above is showing 2 images. We have 3 people who appear before Kinemon stating they're allies. 2 out of 3 of them are in Rasetsu prison while 1 of them is missing. It is Jibuemon.
Therefore, I am concluding that Jibuemon is the leak. As to why there would be a leak? Shutenmaru said something important ⁹²⁵: Not everyone would be pleased with their return after they essentially abandoned the country for 20 years from their perspective. Also, I guess some people are ambitious and will do anything for wealth and such.
It also makes a lot of sense for someone other than the scabbards and close to the alliacne to be the leak. It's far more likely to be one of these with the tattoo of the crescent.

Who is Kyoshiro and the Dynamics

The other thing that is highly suspect is Kyoshiro is a name that Kanjuro of all people isn't familiar with? Bare in mind, Kinemon, Kanjuro and the rest of the 9 are people who have lived in Wano all their lives. Kanjuro is 39 years old, he'd have also been 39 years old before the 20 year future-skip as he was frozen in time with Kinemon and Raizo. For some reason, despite Kanjuro's 39 years of life in Wano, the name Kyoshiro is unknown.
Kyoshiro also isn't looking so young that he shouldn't be known. It'd make sense if Kyoshiro was only born during or after the death of Oden which would make sense of why he wasn't known, but he's not a young man that's just 19-20 years old, he's very likely in his 40s or 50s. Something here is odd.

Why should they question the loyalty of someone who has been serving Orochi for supposedly a long time? Unless... he's not been serving Orochi for a long time, there's no reason to question loyalty.
To put the former idea into perspective, would anyone have questioned the loyalty of the Oniwaban or Fukurokuju for killing Komurosaki had they done it? Absolutely not, because they're known to be ruthless and absolutely subservient. They've established their reputation over time. It's odd that they're only learning now the lengths Kyoshiro would go as the Shogun's lapdog which supports the idea he's new in Orochi's fold.
We should also note that people can clearly change their appearance. Yasu remained unknown for 20 years due to his hairstyle whereas Denjiro who supposedly has a pony-tail now supposedly now dons a completely different hairstyle.

Why would Kyoshiro become a Yakuza? It's probably the easiest way to build up an army if his goal is to eventually overthrow Orochi and Kaido.

Kyoshiro's Relationship with Komurosaki/Hiyori

This isn't the wrong image in the subtitle, it's there to make a point. If we go back to Hiyori's history, her parents died while she was 6 years old. Kawamatsu took care of her up until the age of 13 (7 years of guardianship) before she ran away in order to ensure that Kawamatsu wouldn't have to starve as he prioritised her nutrition over his ⁹³⁹.
We essentially have a 13 year old Komurosaki who became a courtesan. If one looks at the subtitle's image, Kawamatsu didn't recognise Komurosaki despite having taken care of her.
In other words, there's a good chance Denjiro whom I think is Kyoshiro doesn't recognise Komurosaki/Hiyori. This would be consistent with why Komurosaki/Hiyori states she has no idea who Denjiro is ⁹³⁹.
Why then would Kyoshiro/Denjiro save Komurosaki if he's not aware she's Hiyori? Kyoshiro has stated that anyone whom he brings into his fold, he regards them as one of his family, therefore, he looks after them ⁹³². With that as my basis for his actions, he faked killing Komurosaki by lightly cutting her down. One thing we should also remember is that Toko was taken back to the pleasure halls ⁹³⁴.
One may question that if he intended to protect Komurosaki/Hiyori, Why didn't he have someone guard her? We saw Kamazou the man slayer chasing her. In order for Kyoshiro to protect himself and Komurosaki, he had Komurosaki run towards the bridge because if she got chased, Gyukimaru would appear to fight crossing the bridge carrying weapons ⁹³⁸.
What is his relationship with the Scabbards? As for now, seems he's not in the loop.


Law was the one who initiated the plan to take down Kaido, therefore, he's been easily the most invested in terms of meticulously planning and doing whatever was necessary to make sure the plan went as intended.
We have to remember that law is very cerebral, he's a thinker, very pragmatic outside of matters unrelated to Joker.
  1. Just to enumerate his actions thus far:
  2. Luffy got involved in Okobore town and Law tried to intervene. Furthermore, on seeing Hawkins, he tried to silence anyone who would otherwise recognise them ⁹¹⁸.
  3. After the Okobore incident, Law makes it clear that the reason the most important thing (Cover) was blown is because of Luffy ⁹²¹.
  4. Kaido appears, Luffy runs out given that he's very easily provoked. Law however remains collected and reminds Kinemon that all that has happened is Luffy and himself were spotted, and despite that, the plan is still intact ⁹²².
  5. Law has already understood 1 problem; this is something he's come to understand from journeying with Luffy from Dressrosa to Zou and finally, till Wano. He understands that Luffy ALWAYS acts out of emotion and has also determined from this point onward to formulate a plan ⁹²².
  6. Follow the incident of Luffy's defeat, Law has to deal with another problem. Bepo and some of the Heart Pirates have been captured and are being held responsible for the leak ⁹³⁸.
So, what does Law do? What's his Solution to ALL these problems ⁹⁵¹? Not to tell Luffy he's been captured, why? BECAUSE KNOWING LUFFY, HE'D JEOPARDISE THE ENTIRE PLANS TO SAVE LAW AS HE'S EMOTIONALLY PREDISPOSED TO DOING. He'd blow the cover of the Sheathes, he'd ruin the entire plan.

Bare in mind, there is about 8 days left to the battle at this point. Note that Law has not communicated with the alliance since he escaped even if he could, why?
  1. Not communicating means no information can be leaked.
  2. Probably because he understands that there's a leak, and the only way to subvert expectations is to make changes to the plan at the very last minute.

Another detail to add is this:
  1. Law knows that the Kid Pirates are in Wano ⁹³⁴.
  2. Law also knows that X Drake isn't totally allied with Kaido now.
  3. Law also potentially has Hawkins as an ally now.
  4. Hawkins probably knows that Apoo is back in Wano, Kid knowing this means he has more reason to partake in this fight as does Hawkins.
There are things to take into consideration regarding the most recent chapter.

Chapter 858 Analysis based on the Above Theory

On to to analysis, one thing I'd like to add is that snail transponders do not work if the boss snail is tampered with ⁹⁴⁶. Quite possible the transponders have been tampered with at Udon to avoid any leaks. Does it have any relevance? Can't say for sure.
It could also be to cut any communication between the Flower Capital & Onigashima to not alert Orochi or Kaido about any developments.
The one thing we can assume to put it simply is the incident that took place was Orochi destroyed Port Tokage for the most part to prevent its use.

The fact that:
  1. Ships
  2. Hyogoro
  3. SHs
  4. Minks
  5. and 4,000 Samurai
... can't be found is likely because of a last minute change occurred. Law probably is the reason for this. Hyogoro and co. can't have been defeated. They can't defeat Kaido without enough men and they can't just replace 4,000 men. I am personally confident a small change has occurred, and that's really it.
Given that Kyoshiro is also now in charge, it's a good chance to get acquainted with the alliance.
submitted by HPsyche to OnePiece [link] [comments]

yakuza tattoo symbol video

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Die folgenden Bilder zeigen die beliebtesten Tattoomotive der Yakuza, die nicht nur gut aussehen, sondern auch tiefgreifende Bedeutungen haben. 9gag. Tätowierte Kois sind unter den Yakuza ein Zeichen dafür, dass ein schlimmes Ereignis überstanden wurde. Diese Fische stehen nämlich allgemein für Ausdauer und Motivation, da sie in der japanischen Mythologie Wasserfälle hinaufklettern können. Another popular animal included in Yakuza tattoos is the phoenix, which is a magical bird that symbolizes rejuvenation and rebirth. This is an image that Yakuza will pick if they feel like they have made major changes in their lives and are now ready to make the most of their existence. Als Tattoo werden streng genommen nicht oni selbst sondern oni-Masken abgebildet. Dabei handelt es sich um ein sehr häufiges Motiv, vor allem bei der Yakuza. Es bezieht sich auf den Glauben des Trägers an ein Geisterreich, in der Dämonen Ungerechtigkeit und Sünden bestrafen, und Krankheiten verbreiten. Sie gelten als die Teufel der japanischen Kunst und Kultur und werden typischerweise mit Klauen, Stoßzähnen, Hörnern, weißem Haar und bunter Haut in kräftig leuchtendem Rot oder Blau Ein Yakuza Tattoo ist normalerweise groß und auffällig, muss allerdings so gestochen werden, dass es nicht sichtbar ist, wenn man angezogen ist. Aus diesem Grund werden weder der Kopf, noch der Hals, die Hände oder die Füße tätowiert und die Tattoos folgen immer einer ganz bestimmten Geometrie. Die Ärmellänge sollte entweder bis zum Schultergelenk, bis oberhalb des Handgelenks oder bis oberhalb des Ellbogens sein. Häufig sieht man sogar Tattoo-Designs mit einer “Lücke”, die The chrysanthemum tattoo is a symbol of longevity and joy. In irezumi, which refers to traditional Japanese tattooing, they often appear with other motifs in large, intricate tattoos. Chrysanthemums commonly appear alongside dragons. In Japan, the Imperial Order of the Chrysanthemum is the highest Order of Chivalry. The country even has a National Chrysanthemum Day, which is also known as the First of all we must say that some theories attribute the word Yakuza to the worst numbers that you can receive a hand in a card game. The number 8 (Ya), the 9 (Ku) and the 3 (Za). Secondly, we In order with the story of the phoenix, this tattoo symbolizes resurrection, victory, and ardor. It is a familiar motif in yakuza tattoos. The myth of the phoenix appeared in Japan through China, as did many other features of Japanese culture. Snake Tattoo; The snake tattoo has a number of connotations in Japan. It is recognized as an epitome of regenerative power and a symbol of good health. In Japanese legends, snakes are connected with knowledge, divination, and the powers of the cosmos 17.01.2019 - Erkunde da Benis Pinnwand „Yakuza-Tattoo“ auf Pinterest. Weitere Ideen zu Japanische tattoos, Asiatische tätowierungen, Traditionelle japanische tattoos. 26.10.2018 - Erkunde Noemi Azambujas Pinnwand „yakuza girl“ auf Pinterest. Weitere Ideen zu kunstproduktion, japanische tattoos, zeichnungen. Tattoo lovers are very fascinated by the yakuza tattoo. It has a mysterious appeal due to its connection with the Japanese underworld. The Japanese term is used for Yakuza tattoos is Irezumi which means “insert ink.” People get these tattoos for adornment and spiritual purposes. The method being used is hand poking. It is done by inserting the ink beneath the skin. This procedure can be costly, painful and very time-consuming. Hand poking can be very dangerous. When the ink is

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